Negro Terrorist Who Killed White Cop Staying in His Cage Even After Parole

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
April 7, 2018

Herman Bell.

I don’t think this nog terrorist should be in prison.

I think he needs a netgun net and a boat to Africa.

New York Post:

The upcoming release of three-time cop killer Herman Bell has been put on hold for now, union officials announced Thursday.

The Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association filed a lawsuit on behalf of Diane Piagentini, whose husband, Joseph, was murdered by Bell and his cronies in 1971, challenging the parole board’s decision last month to grant release to the now-70-year-old.

The suit also sought a temporary restraining order — preventing Bell’s release pending the outcome of the suit — which was granted, according to the PBA.

“This Parole Board blew the call by making a decision to release this cold-blooded assassin without having considered all of the facts as the law requires,” PBA president Patrick Lynch said in a statement.

Bell and two buddies, all members of the Black Liberation Army, ambushed Piagentini, 28, and Waverly Jones, 33, after luring them to a Harlem housing project with a bogus 911 call.

Joseph Piagentini.