Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

Obama is apparently seriously pissed-off* at Bibi. Which is sort of funny to think about, given that as much as I dislike Obama, he really is a rather docile figure who seems to lack basic personality and as such the ability to get seriously pissed-off.
*Dear my dear British readers: in American/International English, “pissed” means angry, not drunk.
Obama’s administration started out with Rahm Emanuel directing him. Emanuel, being the son of an Israeli terrorist chieftain, is an Israelish type Jew. Now most of the Jews surrounding Obama are Americanish Jews. Of course, all Jews, liberal or conservative, support Israel, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they support Bibi’s extremism. Still, I can’t imagine there are too many Jews who are comfortable with the idea of Obama engaging in open-conflict with the king of the Jews, which makes me wonder why some figure in the US isn’t putting pressure on Obama to chill.

What is even more surprising is that the partial Jew John Kerry is now backing Obama up against Bibi.
It’s weird.
The White House’s outrage over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to speak before Congress in March — a move he failed to coordinate with the administration — began to seep through the diplomatic cracks on Friday, with officials telling Haaretz the Israeli leader had “spat” in President Barack Obama’s face.
“We thought we’ve seen everything,” the newspaper quoted an unnamed senior US official as saying. “But Bibi managed to surprise even us.
“There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price,” he said.
Officials in Washington said that the “chickenshit” epithet — with which an anonymous administration official branded Netanyahu several months ago — was mild compared to the language used in the White House when news of Netanyahu’s planned speech came in.
In his address the Israeli leader is expected to speak about stalled US-led nuclear negotiations with Iran, and to urge lawmakers to slap Tehran with a new round of tougher sanctions in order to force it to comply with international demands. The Mossad intelligence service on Thursday went to the rare length of issuing a press statement to deny claims, cited by Kerry, that its chief Tamir Pardo had told visiting US politicians that he opposed further sanctions.
Haaretz reported that Obama had personally demanded that Netanyahu tone down his pro-sanctions rhetoric in a phone call between the two last week. The president has said a sanctions bill would cripple negotiations with Iranian leaders at a critical stage, and has threatened to veto such a bill should it come through.
The Washington Post reported that Netanyahu’s apparent disrespect for the US leadership was particularly offensive to Secretary of State John Kerry, who over the past month had made frenzied efforts on Israel’s behalf on the world stage — making dozens of calls to world leaders to convince them to oppose a UN Security Council resolution which would have set a timeframe for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
“The secretary’s patience is not infinite,” a source close to Kerry told the Post. “The bilateral relationship is unshakable. But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm for being Israel’s primary defender.”
The White House said Thursday that Obama would not meet with Netanyahu when he travels to Washington, with a spokeswoman citing a “long-standing practice and principle” by which the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections. Kerry will also not meet with Netanyahu.
Netanyahu will be in Washington in part for a March 3 address to a joint session of Congress. House Speaker John Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the Obama administration.
The White House initially reacted icily to Netanyahu’s plans to address Congress, an appearance apparently meant to bolster opposition to a nuclear deal with Iran as it is currently shaping up, as well as opposition to new sanctions against Tehran.
Kerry is definitely diehard, but even he got upset trying to explain why Netanyahu just kept on slaughtering all those kids last year. Obama has been so slapped around, with Bibi literally telling him to “never second guess” his decisions in baby-killing, I am not surprised he is experiencing ego, but I am surprised it is reaching these levels.
Bibi almost appears as though he is trying to organize some weird coup with the Jewpublicans. Maybe he knows something we don’t and they really will win in 2016. But obviously Jeb Bush nor Mitt Romney could possibly win an election.