Negro Who Savage Robbed and Tried to Murder 64-Year-Old White Woman Charged

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 10, 2018

Timothy Green.

I don’t have high hopes that he’ll get more than a wrist slap.


The man accused in the “heinous” beating and robbery of a 65-year-old woman in her downtown Saginaw office building was charged Tuesday with attempted murder.

Timothy Green, 34, was arraigned Tuesday, Feb. 13, on one count of assault with intent to murder, a life offense, and unarmed robbery, a 15-year felony.

Green allegedly walked into the fourth-floor offices of READ Association of Saginaw County, a children’s literacy nonprofit, beat part-time worker Kathy Rogers and made off with her purse, the felony court complaint stated.

Kathy Rodgers.