Negroes in Negroland: A Compilation of Reports Observing Negroes in their Own Habitat

Daily Stormer
March 21, 2015

hottentot venus 2
“LOLWUT” -Original White response to Black booty

The Negroes in Negroland is a compilation of reports from various White explorers observing the Negroes in their own environment.

The book was produced in 1868 and the truths spoken about this darkest of races remain the same to this very day.

A selection of these reports have been narrated by Sven Longshanks in 10 half-hour podcasts first broadcast on the Radio Stormer Network.

An eleventh podcast is also included here.

Negroes in Negroland Part 1

Cannibalism in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 2

Bloodthirstyness and Barbarity of the Negroes in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 3

Slavery and the Slave Trade in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 4

Heathenish Superstition and Witchcraft in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 5

Nakedness, Shamelessness and Prostitution in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 6

Wrangling, Lawlessness, Penury and Misery in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 7

Courtship, Marriage and Concubinage in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 8

Indolence and Improvidence in the Negro


Negroes in Negroland Part 9

Miscellaneous Peculiarities, Habits, Manners and customs of the Negroes in Negroland


Negroes in Negroland Part 10

Natural Repulsive and Irreconcilable Points of Difference, Physical, Mental and Moral, Between the Whites and the Blacks


Negroes in Negroland Part 11

Mulattoes, the Offspring of crimes against nature
