Negroid Arrested for Threatening to Kill David Duke and Cops on YouTube

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2016


lol, David sent me this video, and I was gonna post it but he was like “no don’t post it yet, I gotta make sure the cops see it.”

Cops seen it.


Louisiana State Police say a Baton Rouge man was jailed for posting online videos threatening violence against Baton Rouge police and a former Ku Klux Klan leader who is running for the Senate.

Online records show 22-year-old Anthony Moore was in the East Baton Rouge Parish jail Thursday on charges of terrorizing and cyberstalking. Bond was set at $15,000.

Sgt. Jared Sandifer said Moore was arrested Wednesday after investigators were made aware of two YouTube videos. In one, police say Moore threatened Baton Rouge police in retaliation for the police shooting of Alton Sterling. In the other, they say Moore threatened former Klan leader and U.S. Senate candidate David Duke.

I meant to save the clip and didn’t. Maybe somebody has it. It was like a parody I would make.

He’s literally like “muffugguh I be run up on yo ass, bix nood muffugguh, ah tell yo ass muffugguhguhguh,” while pointing a gun at the camera.

Black people are so stupid.