Negroid Asylum Grabbers Kidnap Italian Woman, Gang Rape Her, Sell Her to Other Blacks

Daily Stormer
December 2, 2015


Stupid goyim. They are enriching your culture.

il Giornale:

Unprecedented violence. Yet another part of immigrants. They kidnapped, raped and then forced into prostitution for 5 days. A nightmare from which a 20 year old girl from San Cataldo (Caltanissetta), it was possible to awaken after many (too many) days of violence and rapes.

His captors are five Nigerians arrested today by police: Cross Agbai, 34, Wibo Majesty, 31, Amaize Ojeomkhhi, Lucky Okosodo 27 years, 23 years and Lawrence Ko Oboh, 40 years. Based on the reconstruction of the investigators, the girl on November 22 last year was spending a day in a country house with some friends, drinking – as often happens – several alcohol. Much to lose consciousness. Apparently, none of his friends noticed that the girl was taken ill and had lost consciousness. At this juncture, they have taken advantage of the kidnappers.

The girl has awoken from fainting in an abandoned house, it became the abode of abusive five Nigerians. Is that the place of violence and rapes. In addition to repeated sexual intercourse with the five Nigerians, the girl was forced into prostitution with other immigrants, they paid sums of money to the jailers in exchange for sexual favors. In order to avoid protests and cries, she would also drugged, which is confirmed by the analysis carried out at the hospital “St. Elias” of Caltanissetta. The young have also been shaved hair.

The nightmare came to an end only last Friday, when the 20 year-old, taking advantage of an unguarded moment of immigrants become his captors, was able to contact the family. Which still had not bothered prolonged absence of her daughter, because she used to stay and sleep for days by friends. The student ran away with men’s clothes found in the house of Nigerians then reported everything to the police, which they did from investigations in the area indicated by the young (town of Caltanissetta where many foreigners).

The search has allowed the military to find belongings and valuables girl. The five Nigerians were arrested and charged with enslavement, rape, kidnapping, pimping and drug dealing. Investigators are also seeking two other accomplices.