Negroid Miss Japan Wants Race War Now!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2015

Allegedly beautiful Negress Ariana Miyamoto wants to burn this bitch down.
Allegedly beautiful Negress Ariana Miyamoto wants to burn this bitch down.

Allegedly the most beautiful woman in Japan, Ariana Miyamoto has vowed to use her position as crowned beauty queen to start a race war.

She says that she joined the Miss Universe Japan contest after a mixed-race friend offed herself. The beauty contest was founded by a French Jewess, and many people have expressed distress at the bizarre claim that the ape-like Miyamoto is the most beautiful woman in Japan.

Any random Jap woman pulled off the street is more beautiful than Ariana Miyamoto.
Any random Jap woman pulled off the street is more beautiful than Ariana Miyamoto.

Having received a backlash from those who doubt that beauty should be defined by the similarity of ones features to that of an ape, Miyamoto has vowed to bring down the entire system through a “Black revolution,” which will presumably include both murder and Baltimore-style race riots.

The AFP spoke to the vile Negress about how she plans to launch her African takeover of Japan.

“I’m stubborn,” said Miyamoto, the daughter of a Japanese mother and black American father, who turned 21 on Tuesday.

“I was prepared for the criticism. I’d be lying to say it didn’t hurt at all. I’m Japanese — I stand up and bow when I answer the phone. But that criticism did give me extra motivation,” she told AFP in an interview.

“I didn’t feel any added pressure because the reason I took part in the pageant was my friend’s death. My goal was to raise awareness of racial discrimination,” added Miyamoto, who was bullied as a schoolgirl growing up in the port town of Sasebo, near Nagasaki.

“Now I have a great platform to deliver that message as the first black Miss Universe Japan. It’s always hard to be the first, so in that respect what Naomi Campbell did was really amazing.”

Social media lit up after Miyamoto’s victory in March, many critics complaining the title should have gone to what they called a “pure” Japanese, rather than a “haafu” (the Japanese pronunciation of “half”, a word used to describe mixed race).

Miyamoto, who turns heads in Japan with her caramel skin and height of 1.73 m (5 ft 8 ins), admitted she has had to toughen up.

“I used to get bullied as a kid but I’ve got mentally stronger, to protect myself,” said the model, whose first language is Japanese, screwing up her nose in mock horror when handed an English menu by a waitress.

“When I was small I stood out and always felt I had to fit in with everyone. I’d try not to bring attention to myself, but now I say what I feel. I do things my own way.

“I want to start a revolution,” Miyamoto added with a laugh. “I can’t change things overnight but in 100-200 years there will be very few pure Japanese left, so we have to start changing the way we think.”

There will be few pure Japanese left, she says. Interesting.

What has led her to this assumption? Presumably, she is planning to bring in boatloads of African males from Libya to rape and impregnate all the Japanese women, but she will still have to slaughter all of the men. How does she plan to murder all of these Japanese men?

Good luck exterminating the Japanese, Negress.  I think you may find they're a pretty hardy bunch.
Good luck exterminating the Japanese, Negress. I think you may find they’re a pretty hardy bunch.

What’s more, Miyamoto is coyly suggesting she has a plan to get herself elected to high office in Japan, and use that influence to destroy the Japanese race.

“I’d like to use my position to become a leader,” she smiled. “I’m like a sponge — always absorbing new things. But I haven’t thought too deeply about politics yet. It’s still a bit early to think about becoming Prime Minister!”

What is the deal with African genes? Why do these people insist on overthrowing the systems created by others which nurture them?

The new face of bitch-burning has slightly slanted eyes.
The new face of bitch-burning has slightly slanted eyes.

It isn’t just the fact that Africans are inferior to Whites or Asians. Because when I think about if I was born in a society of space aliens, where the average IQ was two times my own, and that society provided for me beyond anything earth society could ever offer, I cannot imagine I would have a desire to overthrow the system. I would instead be like “gee, these space aliens sure are great – I’m so privileged to live here instead of on earth, and I am very grateful to my alien benefactors who have provided me with this life beyond what my own people are capable of.”

If I had been born on an Ashtar Command space vessel, the last thought on my mind would be murdering everyone.
If I had been born on an Ashtar Command space vessel, the last thing on my mind would be murdering everyone.

But Africans don’t think that way. Instead, they say they want a revolution, to burn down all the bitches, to murder people and destroy the native race.

What leads to that type of thinking?

The really sick part here is that Ariana Miyamoto is almost certainly going to win the Miss Universe World contest later this year so that she can draw more attention to her radical plan for a Negro revolution in Japan.