Negroid Scumbag Antifa Leader Daryle Lamont Jenkins Shows Porno (Of White Women) to Press Club

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2017

Wow, rough couple of weeks for antifa.

They’re getting all these endorsements from the mainstream of the Democrat Party, but they just can’t keep it together.

They’ve got the state cracking down on them and they’re showing porn to food court employees.

White women, of course.

Daily Caller:

Anti-fascist activists had a difficult time pushing back against James O’Keefe’s investigative reporting during a planned press conference Thursday. They got kicked out of a food court, but not before showing pornography to a reporter.

The DC Antifascist Coalition had booked a room at the National Press Club to hold a press conference in which they would unveil damaging information about O’Keefe and his group Project Veritas. In the lead-up to President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Project Veritas released videos which resulted in the arrest of a member of DisruptJ20 and foiled a plot to use stink bombs at an inauguration ball.

The DC Antifascist Coalition is affiliated with DisruptJ20, and they held the event to release “shocking new information on right wing operative James O’Keefe and his organization, Project Veritas.” The National Press Club, however, did not want the anti-fascist organization to use their facilities as they were concerned for our safety, according to DC Antifascist Coalition spokeswoman Lacy MacAuley.

Anti-fascist affiliated “black bloc” protesters were involved in violent demonstrations at the inauguration and at the University of California – Berkeley riot Wednesday night. The activists now unable to use the press briefing room they booked moved to the food court of the National Press Building.

Once the few journalists covering the event were at the food court, MacAuley handed out document which gave information about spotting infiltrators and starting telling a long-winded story about her interactions with an alleged undercover Project Veritas reporter.

MacAuley, however, was cut off by the food court’s security guard who said we couldn’t be holding a conference there and the space was reserved for eating. MacAuley and her associates convinced the guard that we could stay as we would just start eating around a long table and have an informal conversation.

A few of the almost ten people present grabbed food, and it was liberal activist Daryle Lamont Jenkins turn to speak. Jenkins is the executive director of the One People’s Project, which seeks to expose white supremacists in the conservative movement. Jenkins proceeded to speak about a photo he released in 2010 of O’Keefe at a conference which included white nationalist Jared Taylor.

Jenkins decided to show this photo to the journalists present at the food court table and turned his iPad around horizontally. This reporter was seated across Jenkins when he turned his iPad around and the photo of O’Keefe became a thumbnail in Jenkins’ downloads folder surrounded by dozens of thumbnails of pornographic videos.

Jenkins showed off his porn collection for around 20 seconds before turning his iPad back towards him and exclaiming, “What the hell?” Most of the thumbnails appeared to be of white women in compromised positions. Jenkins went on to talk about his efforts to “beat back” racists in American society.

I’m glad the Daily Caller was there.

Most news outlets wouldn’t have reported this at all, let alone told us that the porno was of white women.

Daryl hates “white supremacists” because he was born black.