Negroid Stabs Up UT Austin Campus, Killing One (Even MSM Forced to Admit It was Probably Racially Motivated)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 2, 2017

The thing you need to remember about black people is that sooner or later, they’re going to go on a murderous rampage.

That isn’t a “racist” statement – it’s just a fact of life.

Of course, no media was reporting his race when the stabfest was ongoing.

That’s standard operating procedure of the Jews, as any keen news reader is aware: if it’s a white male, say “white male” nonstop and show their picture everywhere. If it’s a nonwhite male, literally give no description – or say something like “tall with brown hair” – and then after the event don’t show their picture.

Of course, we here at the Daily Stormer report REAL NEWS, so we got his pictures.

NYT is only showing a victim, who, obviously, is white.

The attack happened during yesterday’s “May Day” thingie, so it was almost certainly politically (read:racially) motivated.

After the fact, even the NYT is forced to admit he is black and it seems the attack was probably racial in nature. But they do that only to then say “oh but no proof or reason to think that though.”

New York Times:

A man killed one student and wounded three others on Monday at the University of Texas, walking calmly from one to another and stabbing them with a bowie knife, setting off panic and rumors of a larger wave of violence.

The university police identified the suspect as Kendrex J. White, a 21-year-old student who was quickly arrested. Witnesses described the suspect as eerily composed during the episode near Gregory Gymnasium, and said that when he was confronted by police officers, he did not speak or appear to hurry.

Rachel Prichett, 19, a student from Austin, said she was standing at a food truck when she heard screaming, turned and saw a man holding what looked like “a small machete” approaching her, “just walking calmly with the knife to his side.”

I’ll give you three guesses what color Rachel Prichett is.

[Pic removed due to DMCA request – she’s white. Cute also.]

She is a liberal arts student, so presumably an SJW of the kind who has protests open carry on UT campus.

The suspect walked behind a man a few feet away from her, then grasped the man’s shoulder with one hand and with the other hand stabbed him in the back, thrusting the knife “all the way in.”

Ms. Prichett said she fled, running past another victim, his head bloody, who was slumped over a table.

In recent weeks, fraternity houses at the university had been vandalized with messages accusing them of promoting racism and rape. Many people on campus speculated Monday that the knife attack was related.

Yes, one would certainly have to wonder if it was related to “racism.”

But Chief David Carter, of the University of Texas at Austin Police Department, said the authorities did not know of a motive for the stabbings. Speaking at a news conference, Chief Carter said that he was aware of the rumors but that he did not know if the victims, all men, were fraternity members.

Mr. White is black. Chief Carter said the four who were stabbed, all age 20 or 21, included three white men and one Asian-American man. One died at the scene, and the others were taken to the university medical center. The authorities did not immediately release the victims’ names.

School officials in Graham, Tex., identified the student who died as Harrison Brown, according to The Austin American-Statesman.

“Harrison was an inspiration to everyone around him,” the school said in a Facebook post. “We were blessed and honored to have known him.” Mr. Brown was a 2016 graduate of Graham High School.

Talk about a sitting duck…

RIP Harrison.

Too bad you were a liberal fag.

After the attack, unfounded rumors flew of more violence and more assailants on the loose, and there was a bomb threat against a nearby building.

Yeah, see – that’s another problem with not announcing the race during these attacks.

If it’s a Moslem, you’re like “yeah there’s probably other stuff going on…”

But if it’s a black, you know it’s just one guy, and once he’s caught you can chill.

A student who said he knows Mr. White socially, William Verastegui, said the suspect had always seemed friendly. “He didn’t seem to be hotheaded; he didn’t seem to be an angry person or anything like that,” Mr. Verastegui said.

The grassy open areas on campus were crowded with students on Monday. The police received the first report of the stabbing at 1:49 p.m. Officers arrived within two minutes and arrested Mr. White without incident.

Ray Arredondo, 21, a student from San Antonio, said, “I just saw swarms of people running away from Gregory Gym, and my first reaction was ‘gun,’ so I ran, too.”

“The cops were on scene, and they were doing CPR on one victim,” he said. “There was another guy who had lacerations to his head or neck, and a police officer was holding his head.”

He used his phone to take a picture of officers taking Mr. White into custody and posted it to Twitter. “He was like emotionless, very nonchalant, from what I saw,” Mr. Arredondo said.

Here’s that picture.

Other social media users also posted pictures.

If that weren’t the case, they would no doubt still be trying to protect his racial identity.

Note that bandanna he’s wearing. That is not a gang color type thing. It looks to me as if he’s involved in a black political activism group.

That is to say, this is probably actually much worse than the Dylann Roof shooting thing, or the James Jackson NYC stabbing thing, as he is probably directly associated with a group, instead of a “lone wolf.”

Though whereas we at the Daily Stormer were blamed for both Roof and Jackson, based on allegations that they read this website, there is very little chance they are even going to investigate this guy’s connections, let alone blame whatever group he is a part of for his actions.

This story will just die, like all nonwhite crime stories die.

Another Recent Case

Lest we forget that another white girl (technically half-Jap, but looks white to blacks) girl was killed on UT Austin campus just a year ago, in April of 2016.

18-year-old Haruka Weiser was raped, murdered and thrown in a creek by a black called “Meechaiel Criner.”

Partially as a result of that incident, Texas passed legislation allowing for the open carry of guns on campus (which was made uselss by individual buildings banning guns).

As a response to this, last August, UT Austin students handed out dildos on campus in a “Cocks Not Glocks” campaign intended to encourage students to carry about sex toys instead of guns.

Texas Tribune:

Students, alumni and spectators eagerly snatched up more than 4,500 donated dildos Tuesday evening at the University of Texas at Austin, preparing to assuage their frustration over a new state law allowing handguns to be carried on public university campuses.

Cocks Not Glocks, a protest group formed last fall, is urging students and others to openly carry the sex toys around campus, offering a multicolored counterpoint to the concealed weapons that holders of handgun licenses can now legally carry inside UT classrooms and most buildings.

“We want these dildos on backpacks as long as there are concealed handguns in backpacks,” said Ana López, a UT sophomore and one of the Cocks Not Glocks organizers.

Tuesday night’s distribution — which featured dildo juggling and the sale of t-shirts with slogans such as “Take It and Come” — was a prelude to an anti-campus carry rally planned for Wednesday, the semester’s first full day of classes.

“We want to make sure that students don’t just go home and take these [sex toys] as a joke,” López said.

Austin stores and companies like Hustler Hollywood and HUM vibrators (known as “the first artificially intelligent vibrator”) donated the sex toys after hearing about Cocks Not Glocks, López said. The full supply was gone in about 23 minutes, a distribution rate of almost 200 per minute.

Please note that when Kendrex J. White was walking around campus stabbing people, no one tried to hit him with a dildo.