Neo-Nazi Paramilitary Resistance Groups Now Forming in Germany!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2017

I’m not sure how they imagined that every single young German man would be okay with simply handing over his women to the filthy apes that Merkel has flooded their country with.

Sex is a huge driver. Men’s desire to protect vessels of their race’s reproduction is a huge driver.

The Jews have tried to re-engineer us, but our biology remains.

Sputnik News:

Angela Merkel’s virtually absent migration policy is bearing fruit as Germans turn toward far-right movements and weaponise themselves, intending to take control of their homeland with their own hands, German media has warned.

During 2016, some 450 arrest warrants were issued in Germany in connection to far-right extremism, reported Deutsche Welle (DW).

The number of violent crimes perpetrated against asylum seekers increased five-fold in 2015, compared to the previous year, DW claimed. Various smaller far-right groups have been forced underground and are posing the beginnings of an organized force, seeking weapons to solve the problems they claim Berlin refuses to address.

“Anti-asylum agitation creates a sounding board for right-wing extremist ideology fragments. Right-wing extremism gains connectivity,” according to the latest German Interior Ministry annual report on the defense of the Constitution.

According to the report, the official number far-right members was some 23,000 at the end of 2016. Reports claim that those who incline toward far-right extremism are establishing channels to acquire weapons.

DW pointed to a website called “Migrantenschreck” (German for a fear of migrants), which is, ironically, registered in Russia. The website belongs to Mario Rönsch, a German far-right activist currently living in Hungary.

The website allows Germans to purchase crossbows and non-lethal rubber-bullet weapons. Hungarian law forbids the export of such weapons to Germany. The website uses dark humor to peddle its products, according to DW. One description goes as follows: “An incredible 130-joule muzzle velocity speaks for itself, guaranteeing the successful use of this product.”

According to Matthias Quent, a Jena-based researcher into right-wing extremism, a threshold of public anger has been reached, and social-media users are beyond simply expressing their displeasure.

In Quent’s words, “the discourse is incredibly uninhibited.”

The researcher acknowledges that it is the Merkel’s unwillingness to tackle the problem that is driving some people to imagine violence.

“If the perception is that the state is no longer capable of protecting its borders, or its people, from terrorism, there is an increase in the perceived legitimacy of forming one’s own organizations, of resorting to violence oneself, of arming oneself.”


Germany is going to have a war in the next decade. Guaranteed.

But it’s hard to picture how this will work, because a scenario like this has never existed before in all of history.

You have a government which is purposefully replacing its own people with a hostile foreign population. This foreign population is creating warlike conditions by engaging in non-stop violence, rape and murder.

The government is then protecting the hostile group, covering up their crimes, enabling them to commit as many crimes as possible and get away with it.

Now, you have a resistance forming to both the Moslems and the government that protects them.

The question then becomes: where do the masses of people fall?

Will they truly stand with a foreign population that is raping and murdering them against their own people?

Presumably, many of the (childless) women will. But the thing is, after the system breaks down, the opinions of women matter about as much as the opinions of cats. The only reason women have ever had any power is because the state gave it to them.

I think when it comes down to it, the lion will wake up, and German men will stand with their people against the invading hordes and the traitors that protect them.