Neocon Don Allegedly Sending More Missiles to Menace Thunderstruck Iranian Victims

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 11, 2019

So are these real new bombs or are they more deployments that were already announced months ago that the Pentagon is reannouncing as new bombs?

Is any of this real at all?

Are we doing this war or what Trump, you fat pussy?

If you’re gonna go then fucking go – enough with this faggot “I’ll put bombs near you, tehehe” bullshit.

Pull the trigger.


The US is sending a battery of Patriot missiles to join the carrier strike group and bomber task force currently “protecting” American interests in the Middle East from Iran, still insisting the buildup is merely defensive.

The missiles and transport ship USS Arlington are being deployed to the region “in response to indications of heightened Iranian readiness to conduct offensive operations against US forces and our interests,” according to a Pentagon statement.

While the Pentagon continues to insist it “does not seek conflict with Iran,” it is “postured and ready to defend US forces and interests in the region,” according to the statement.

The latest round of heavy weaponry joins the USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and an Air Force bomber task force, both of which arrived in the Central Command region this week to send an “unmistakable message,” in the words of National Security Advisor John Bolton, that the US is prepared to unleash “unrelenting force” in response to any provocation. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo echoed the threat on Thursday, promising a “swift and decisive” response to an attack by Iran – or its proxies.

Details about the “intelligence” used as a pretext for the military buildup have been scarce, though multiple reports suggest the tip came from Israel’s Mossad, which is far from a neutral source when it comes to Iran. A CNN report on Friday claimed “intelligence has shown” Iran is “likely” loading short-range ballistic and cruise missiles onto boats belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which President Donald Trump conveniently declared a terrorist organization last month. The US military, CNN said, “believes that cruise missiles could be launched from the small Iranian boats.”

Blah blah blabbity blah.

No one gives a fuckity fuck.

Zero non-Jewish Americans want a war with Iran, so if Bolton, Pompeo and Trump are going to do it then they might as well go ahead and do it.

Stage some fake attack and start the airstrikes.

These kikes have been waving a war with Iran in front of my face since I was in middle school, and I’m fucking sick of it. It they’re going to do it, they need to do it and stop threatening the American people with it.

Maybe Iran will manage to sink the carrier and show Trump for the blustering pussy he is.

If an American aircraft carrier sinks, then the jig is up.

Though, more than probably, this is all a show for Europe rather than for Iran – because Trump and his disgusting rat’s nest of neocons are attempting to stop Europe from buying oil and drive Iran’s exports to $0.

In other words, the US government is yet again trying to terrorize everyone with a fake war threat as a bluff.