Nepal: Girl Dies Because Menstruation Hut is Filled with Poisonous Snakes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 10, 2017

In theory, this is a great idea. IN THEORY.

I usually disagree with the Jew assertion that there is “so much we can learn” from backward-ass primitive savages.

However, in the case of menstruation huts, I think they do have a good plan: during their “bleeding period,” women absolutely should be banished to small mud huts.

However, it is simply common sense that you do not fill these huts with poisonous snakes. That is just dumb, dumb, dumb.


An 18-year-old Nepalese girl banished to a shed while she was menstruating as part of an ancient cultural practice, died after being bitten by a snake.

Tulasi Shahi was bitten twice by a venomous snake and died on Friday morning in Nepal’s western Dailekh district, according to local media reports.

“She survived for seven hours after the snake bite but died because medical treatment was delayed,” Local Mayor Surya Bahadur Shahi told AFP.

The victim’s family reportedly took her to the village shaman for treatment instead of transporting her to a hospital.

Now see, that was your second mistake right there.

Police have confirmed the death but did not provide further details.

Chhaupadi is an ancient Hindu practice which banishes women to huts or cowsheds during menstruation. It was outlawed by the Nepal Supreme Court in 2005, however, is still practiced in parts of the country.

The Himalayan Times wrote in May that, despite the common belief it’s confined to remote areas of the country, it’s practiced in cities as well.

Women are ostracised during this time, prevented from normal family activities and from having contact with men during their periods as they’re deemed  “impure” and “untouchable.”

Anyone who has been around a woman during this period can confirm that this is not some primitive superstition, but an objective fact.

And the hut thing is a great solution.

However, don’t be a retard: check the hut for snakes before you banish your women to it.

That’s just simple common sense, folks.

Simple. Common. Sense.