Nervous Jew Blinken Shakes as He Falsely Claims Jew Ceasefire “90% Ready,” Bibi Calls Him a Liar

This is so weird and goofy.

No one thinks there is going to be a ceasefire. No one thinks that because Bibi repeats, every single day, that his goal is to destroy Hamas.

How can he have a ceasefire with people he’s vowed to destroy?

This is just inane nonsense. Everyone knows that. But he just keeps saying it.

Is he on drugs? I think he might be taking LSD every day. He always looks like he’s tripping out.


Both Israel and Hamas need to urgently resolve their remaining issues and finalize a Gaza truce, as most of the deal is already agreed upon, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday.

Speaking at a news conference during a visit to Haiti, he stated that “based on what I’ve seen, 90% is agreed, but there are a few critical issues that remain where we need to be able to get agreement.” He stressed that “it’s really incumbent on both parties to get to yes on these remaining issues.”

Why is he in Haiti?

Does he have “jungle fever”?

Is here there for the pussy? 

I can’t think of any other reason anyone would go there.

That’s an outrage.

What a friggin’ weirdo.

Blinken cautioned that every day that the deal is not finalized and the two sides don’t say “yes, period,” is a day “in which something else happens and there is an intervening event which simply pushes things off and runs the risk of derailing what is a pretty fragile apple cart.”

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denied that 90% of the deal with Hamas is done, calling the claims “exactly inaccurate.”

Just like every time Blinken says this!

Every time, Bibi comes out and says “that guy is lying – I don’t agree to any of this.”

“There’s a story, a narrative out there that there’s a deal out there… that’s just a false narrative,” he told Fox News on Thursday. “There’s not a deal in the making,” he added, saying, “unfortunately, it’s not close.”

Netanyahu has vowed that he will not remove Israeli troops from the strategic 14km strip of land along the Gaza-Egypt border known as the Philadelphi Corridor, arguing that an Israeli military presence there is vital to ensure victory over Hamas.

The Palestinian militant group has also vehemently rejected any continued Israeli presence in the corridor.

Not even the Palestinians are interested.

Why does Blinken keep saying this???

People will say “oh, he’s lying to try to make people think the Biden Administration is doing something.”

But that doesn’t make any sense.

Anyone who hears him say this thing about the ceasefire is going to hear Bibi saying “actually, no – this guy is lying.”

It just makes the US look like stupid liars.

It serves no other purpose.