Netanyahu Comes Out in Defense of Hitler

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 21, 2015

Unexpected: Has Bibi gone full Nazi?
Unexpected: Has Bibi gone full Nazi?

Crazy things happen every hour now, but usually when something crazy happens, you can say “yeah but it’s expected in the context of the modern paradigm of human devolution.”

This is not one of those things.


Prime minister tells World Zionist Congress that Hitler only wanted to expel the Jews, but Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti convinced him to exterminate them, a claim that was rejected by most accepted Holocaust scholars.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sparked public uproar when on Wednesday he claimed that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, was the one who planted the idea of the extermination of European Jewry in Adolf Hitler’s mind. The Nazi ruler, Netanyahu said, had no intention of killing the Jews, but only to expel them.

I absolutely cannot put context around Bibi coming out to defend Adolf Hitler.

The simplest thing is that he is losing his mind as he realizes his entire base is being seized by Russia.

Maybe he also wants to make friends with Nazis, I guess? Like “look you Nazis are okay – I know you never really meant to gas us – now let’s come together to stop these Hajis.”

The statement was framed as a demonization of Palestinians, but there are so many ways to demonize Palestinians without defending Hitler.

Bibi is Correct, Of Course

It is an historical fact that Hitler did nothing wrong.
It is an historical fact that Hitler did nothing wrong.

His statement is completely factual. Hitler never had any plan to exterminate Jews. He lobbied continually before and during the war to have them shipped out peacefully, giving them fair payment for their properties and so on.

This is accepted historical fact, even if you believe the notion that in the middle of the war he decided he wanted to start exterminating them.

He helped Jews get to Palestine.


The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: “transfer agreement”) was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods.

Zionist Jews at the time loved him for this, even while Rosenberg protested.


Hitler also tried to deport them to Madagascar, as Rosenberg and others had proposed.


The Madagascar Plan was a proposal of the Nazi government of Germany to relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar. Franz Rademacher, head of the Jewish Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Nazi government, proposed the idea in June 1940, shortly before France’s defeat in the Fall of France. The proposal called for the handing over of Madagascar, then a French colony, to Germany as part of the French surrender terms.

The idea of deporting Polish Jews to Madagascar was investigated by the Polish government in 1937, but the task force sent to evaluate the island’s potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates. As efforts by the Nazis to encourage emigration of the Jewish population of Germany were only partially successful, the idea of deporting Jews to Madagascar was revived by the Nazi government in 1940.

Rademacher recommended on 3 June 1940 that Madagascar should be made available as a destination for the Jews of Europe. With Adolf Hitler’s approval, Adolf Eichmann released a memorandum on 15 August 1940 calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island governed as a police state under the SS.

Bibi’s statement wasn’t a denial of the Holocaust, but merely pointed to the uncontested reality that Hitler tried very hard to expel Jews (again, this is true even if you believe he lampshaded six million). But it is a part of the history which is aggressively omitted, as it doesn’t fit the narrative.

Why do you guys think he brought this up?