Netanyahu Promises to Make the Talmud a Reality in Israel

Daily Stormer
May 17, 2014

Binyamin Netanyahu is changing Israeli law to make it conform to the Talmud.

Bibi has reportedly revealed at a Likud conference that the Talmud will begin to be implemented in the Jew terrorist state of Israel, which would give Israel even further official status as a Jew racial state.

If this is true, then life is about to get a hundred times worse for any Non-Jew living in the Jew-Occupied territories in Palestine.

From Israel National News:

Netanyahu told the head of Likud’s hareidi division Yaakov Vider at the conference that he intends to make the Hebrew calendar, which is based on Jewish law, the official calendar of Israel, reports Kikar Hashabat.The new law also would establish the Talmud, the core work of Jewish law, as an official basis for Israeli state law.

jews may kill nonjews
Excerpts of law from the Talmud.

“I’m going to personally be involved in the law defining the state of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people,” Netanyahu reportedly told Vider. “It’s a very important law that will influence how Israel will look in the future.”

“I want to anchor in this law, that it will be a Basic Law that the state of Israel arose and exists on the basis of the Torah and the Jewish tradition,” Netanyahu explained, promising to define the Hebrew calendar as the official state calendar.

When the Jews mention the Torah, naive Christians think the word refers to the Christian Old Testament. Nothing could be further from the truth and Netanyahu is actually admitting that here.

The Jews have two Torahs, one is called the Torah SheBichtav, it is not studied, but ridiculed as being the lowest form of knowledge. This is the Christian Old Testament. The other Torah is called the Torah Shebeal Peh. This Torah is the Talmud, and it is full of ways to circumvent the laws of the Old Testament. Under its laws, Christians are to be put to death and all non-Jews are to be used and abused as the Jew sees fit. This includes the sexual abuse of their children.

The Talmud even gives the Jews licence to curse God – of course if a Non-Jew does this, he will be punished, but since the Jews are the sons of the Devil, they have no choice but to behave like him. They cant really be punished for behaving like their father, the master of lies.

Bible study not an accomplishment
Study of the Bible is ridiculed as not being any accomplishment.

Netanyahu also promised that “we will define in the law the Gemara as a basis for the Israeli legal system,” referencing the Jewish legal text analyzing the Mishnah, a legal work of the Jewish sages, which together form the Talmud.

Discussing the new Basic Law on Sunday in a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu stated “the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state does not actualize itself enough in our Basic Laws, which is what the proposed law aims to fix.”

Netanyahu stressed the law would not restrict the rights of non-Jewish citizens of Israel. He further dismissed opposition to the law by leftist MKs, foremost among them Justice Minister Tzipi Livni who pledged to block the law.

If the new law follows the Talmud, it will do nothing else but restrict the rights of Non-Jewish citizens.

Non-Jews in the Talmud.

“They want a Palestinian national state to be built beside us, and to turn the State of Israel, meanwhile, into a bi-national state, Jewish-Arab, within our restricted borders,” Netanyahu argued, saying the new Basic Law would prevent such a situation.

Too right it would prevent that situation, it would mean all Non-Jews in the area would become the chattel property of the Jews, to do with as they see fit. The Zionist Christians will be applauding these changes to the law, thinking that these rats are actually instituting the Ten Commandments.

christianity 3
Christians in the Talmud. (From Michael Hoffman’s ‘Judaism Discovered’)