Netanyahu Sends Another $18 Million in US Taxpayer Money to West Bank Settlers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 20, 2016


Obama is paying Israel to commit a genocide.

Hillary wants to up it to the max.

Why do liberals not complain?


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved an extra $18 million in funding for settlements in the West Bank, which are largely considered illegal by the international community.

Netanyahu announced the additional funding—which comes on top of around $88 million that is already allocated to funding the settlements—at the start of his weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. The funds constituted an “assistance plan” for communities in Judea and Samaria—Israel’s term for the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem—to help to “strengthen security, assist small businesses and encourage tourism,” Netanyahu said in his opening remarks at the meeting.

Around 600,000 Jews live in settlements, which are built on lands in the West Bank and East Jerusalem captured by Israel from Jordan in the 1967 war, AP reported. The construction of settlements has been criticized by the United Nations as blocking any possible solution to the enduring Israel-Palestine conflict and the European Union toughened its stance in January, adopting a resolution which affirmed that EU agreements with Israel only apply to the country’s pre-1967 borders.

In opposition to the liberal Democrat policy of paying the filthy Jews trillions of dollars to slaughter people and start wars that we are then obligated to go fight, Donald Trump has said he’s going to make Israel pay us.