Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2015

Can you imagine if our graddaddies had been told “you gotta go fight Germany and stop this super-organized guy with the non-American-looking mustache from taking over Poland so that someday your grandbabies can live to see an African President vying with a foreign Jew for control of America”?
Would they have agreed to go?
Tensions between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are on the rise once again today, after Netanyahu announced he was going to the US at the behest of House Speaker John Boehner (R – OH) without an invite from the president.
The White House warned it was a “departure from protocol,” and it’s setting the stage for an awkward moment, as Netanyahu plans to lobby for Iran sanctions to try to drum up enough support to override Obama’s veto.
Israeli analysts are warning the move to undercut Obama on Iran risks further worsening US-Israeli relations, which are already getting worse and worse as time goes by.