Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 18, 2014

The crowned king of the Jews, Benjamin Netanyahu, has come out and attacked all European people over their decision to remove Hamas from the list of terrorist organizations and charge the Jew state with war crimes.
He also noted that the filthy goyim pigs had learned nothing from the time they gassed six million on purpose for no clear reason and then magically made all of the evidence disappear.
“Today we saw shocking examples of European hypocrisy,” Netanyahu said at a meeting with Senator Joni Ernst. “In Geneva, they are calling for war crimes investigation against Israel, while in Luxemburg, the European court removed Hamas from the terror organizations list.”
He went on to say that “It seems like too many people in Europe, on the land where 6 million Jews were slaughtered, learned nothing. But we in Israel did.”
How does charging Israel with war crimes for slaughtering all those babies relate to the alleged gassing of the six million?
Also, what are you supposed to learn from gassing six million Jews? I suppose you would learn to gas people efficiently, but based on the stories I’ve read from Jew eye-witnesses, the Germans didn’t even learn that.
The thing the Jews should have learned from being six millioned is clear though: people do not like you rats at all. They hate you so much they actually literally want to turn you into lampshades and use your hair to make beds for the women.