Netherlands: Four Hajis Arrested Over New Year’s Eve Terror Plot

Well done, police.

You have perfected the art of mopping the floor while the tap is still on.


Dutch police arrested four men suspected of involvement in a terror plot meant to strike New Year’s Eve celebrations after receiving a tip-off earlier in the week.

One of the arrested men was a Syrian national and another Egyptian, reports NOS, with all arrests taking place in the Dutch city of Rotterdam on Saturday. The news service reported that all of the arrested men were of “non-Western” backgrounds and were in their 20s.

A fifth man, also Syrian, was arrested in Mainz, west Germany on Saturday, which is reported to be a terror arrest related to the Netherlands four and at the request of the Dutch government.

Police said in a statement the suspects were in the process of attempting to acquire AK47 assault rifles, handguns, bomb vests, grenades and raw materials for bombs and were looking for opportunities to train with such weapons.

The Dutch anti-terror coordinator’s office said after the arrests that: “Jihad networks are also active in the Netherlands with the intention to plot attacks in Europe… Today’s arrests must be seen in that light.”