Netherlands: “Massive Increase” in Number of Dutch Girls “Groomed” by Moslems

I thought this was only a UK phenomenon.

Why is it happening in the Netherlands as well?

It’s almost like this is ingrained ethno-religious behavior…

Voice of Europe:

The number of Dutch victims of grooming gangs has massively increased, Gideon van Aartsen of International Children’s Rights Organisation Terre des Hommes tells Dutch newspaper AD.

Van Aartsen, who leads a group of researchers of the grooming phenomenon, says several different tactics are used to groom and prostitute the Dutch girls.

The ‘online trade’ of girls is one of the main reasons why Dutch, but also Belgian girls are increasingly prostituted. Girls are being groomed via Telegram, Tinder and school websites.

“It’s big business,” Van Aartsen says. “Sometimes 160 men reply to one advertisement within 48 hours.”

Research shows that 89 per cent of the pimps have migrant origins and 60 per cent are Muslims. They groom young and vulnerable girls via the Internet and put them to work as prostitutes.

This year an investigation of newspaper AD showed how 1,400 very young girls are being groomed and abused by mostly migrant men.

To battle the grooming gangs, the Dutch Terre des Hommes department will cooperate with Belgian justice.