Netherlands Now Euthanizing Sexual Abuse Victims

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2016


Put those pills away! The government will take care of your suicide!

This is certainly heavy.

Everything has gotten so heavy these days.


A Dutch woman in her 20s was euthanized using a lethal injection after her doctors determined that the post-traumatic symptoms she suffered as a result of childhood sexual abuse were “unbearable.”

“There was no prospect or hope for her,” her psychiatrist said, according to the Daily Mail. According to Metro UK, the patient’s symptoms included severe anorexia, chronic depression, hallucinations, and compulsions, all of which left her mostly bedridden.

While the Daily Mail and other outlets have reported that the patient was deemed “totally competent” to choose to end her own life by multiple psychiatrists, her euthanasia has been met with intense scrutiny, as has the Netherlands’ liberal policy on assisted suicide. “It almost sends the message that if you are the victim of abuse, and as a result you get a mental illness, you are punished by being killed, that the punishment for the crime of being a victim is death,” one UK politician said.

Well, yeah.

We gotta get ready for that Sharia Law, goyim.


At the behest of the Jews, the people have decided they want an Islamic Europe. This is a part of that.

It’s dark and evil.


But conversely, it’s colorful and vibrant.


Plus, you know – Beach Boy.

beach boy omg so sad

We must become Islamic so a kid doesn’t drown.


Clearly, this does amount to an execution of a rape victim, given that anyone who was capable of making their own decisions and giving consent for this would not give consent for it.

Because she was incapable of giving consent, in allowing her to make the decision, the state was the one who made the decision. So: execution.

Is this simply another example of liberalism gone mad, or is there some subconscious connection to the building acceptance of the Islamization of Europe, where people feel comfortable going along with the execution of a rape victim because that will soon be the norm?

Am I going too far here?

The logic used by the Dutch stateis basically identical to that of Islam. While Islam frames the execution of rape victims in terms of “honor,” the thinking is that after she’s been defiled, he life no longer has a purpose.

We are seeing a growing acceptance of all kinds of Islamic norms across Europe.

Pork is being removed from school lunch menus.

Police in Austria and schools in Germany have told women to avoid being sexually assaulted by Arabs on the street by wearing more modest clothing.

Crimes that Moslems commit are being dismissed because “it’s their culture.”

A Moslem in Britain who had sex with a 13-year-old went unpunished because it is legal under Sharia.

There is a female genital mutilation epidemic in Britain, and doctors don’t report it to the police when they see it. Last year a law was passed requiring them to report it, but the police don’t do anything about it.

There are 20,000 polygamous Moslem marriages in the UK, about the same in France, but no one gets punished.

And now we’re to the point where we’re electing Moslems to rule over us.


All of this is part of a growing sense of acceptance of our fate.

Though there is also resistance.

sc3G2MFvHoFCISg74EEC5uJKgoKqv6RNJLkb0A5donTNDBQFar Right Party Golden Dawn Hold A Rally Ahead Of The EU Elections 30C7425C00000578-3426685-image-a-32_1454423270609 2-format43

There’s only one solution here to be honest fam.