Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 8, 2017
Our brains have been rewired by the Jews to hate ourselves.
But look boys – you can rewire your own brains. We can rewire other people’s brains. The purpose of this site is to rewire people’s brains, to free them, to allow them to think for themselves and see the world as it really is. Or at least consider it.
That’s why everything on this site is like “kike, kike, kike, nigger, nigger, slut, kike, nigger.”
We are rewiring brains here, people.
And this goes beyond just rewiring for freeing yourself of the kike’s politics. You can rewire your self-esteem, which has also been destroyed from your youth by the kike. You can make yourself more confident with women, with dealing with your career, with accomplishing all sorts of things.
Neuroplasticity is an extremely important concept for us all to understand.
Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is an umbrella term that describes lasting change to the brain throughout an individual’s life course. The term gained prominence in the latter half of the 20th century, when new research showed that many aspects of the brain can be altered (or are “plastic”) even into adulthood. This notion is in contrast with the previous scientific consensus that the brain develops during a critical period in early childhood and then remains relatively unchanged (or “static”).
Neuroplasticity can be observed at multiple scales, from microscopic changes in individual neurons to larger-scale changes such as cortical remapping in response to injury. However, cortical remapping is more extensive early in development. Behavior, environmental stimuli, thought, and emotions may also cause neuroplastic change through activity-dependent plasticity, which has significant implications for healthy development, learning, memory, and recovery from brain damage.
At the single cell level, synaptic plasticity refers to changes in the connections between neurons, whereas non-synaptic plasticity refers to changes in their intrinsic excitability.
When you feel weak or afraid, don’t let yourself do it.
It’s the basic Tony Robbins self-help idea, but it really is real and it is important.
Which is why I have never had a problem with Tony Robbins.
At some point in my life, I was like “I want to be the biggest Neo-Nazi ever, and I want to change the entire world with frog-based Neo-Nazism.”
You can all set such goals, and do them, through rewiring your own brains to make it possible for you to do it.