Juno News
December 24, 2013

There can never have been a country in the history of the world that has had leaders so complicit in the destruction of its history, traditions and identity.
Political Correctness was conjured up by an otherwise educated cabal who wished to tie the hands of their ideological and political opponents by declaring certain words and thoughts taboo (all in the name of ‘tolerance’). Their monster long ago escaped its shackles and now lives and thrives among the simple-minded who perceive a slight every time the sun goes behind a cloud and demand the whole of society be modified to mollify their neuroses
On the subject of ‘painting out’ history, George Orwell put it neatly in ’1984′: ‘He who controls the present controls the past; he who controls the past controls the future.’ So when we’ve got rid of all pictures of golliwogs and stories with golliwogs in them from the past, no matter how innocently they were intended, our future politicians will be able to say: ‘Golliwogs? No, not us – we never depicted them or wrote about them, and if you think we did, where’s the proof
It’s been said before but worth repeating. There can never have been a country in the history of the world that has had leaders so complicit in the destruction of its history, traditions and identity.