Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

Today is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the brave Nazi-fighters.
Auschwitz, for those who don’t know, was mainly a Jew-skin lampshade factory, though they also produced Jew-hair mattresses and Jew-fat soap. These human-hair mattresses, it is a documented historical fact which cannot ever be questioned, were made exclusively for German women, evil blonde-haired harlots who slept like babies on these human hair mattresses with the full knowledge that the Jews who this hair once belonged to were gassed to death and then turned into lampshades and soap.

Today, the whole world remembers the suffering, and it is important to remember that not only the Germans are responsible for this atrocity, but White people as a whole, who constantly abused Jews for no reason and so helped the Holocaust to happen.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, the best thing that White people can do to make up for this genocide they committed is to send money to Israel. After you have done this, go find a Jew and personally apologize to them and ask if there is anything you can do for them to do your part to make up for the exactly sixty trillion lampshades. They may ask you to mow their lawn, to go run errands for them or they may request sexual favors. Anything you can do for them helps to alleviate the guilt the White race holds for having lampshaded these innocents.
You can also help by lobbying to have people thrown in prison for daring to question the factual reality of the eternal suffering of the always victimized Jew race. We need to ensure that in 2015, websites like this one:

are permanently shut down and the people who run them are punished. Because nothing hurts the feelings of Jews more than doubting the fact that they were made into lampshades. And after they were made into lampshades, they have a fundamental human right to not have their feelings hurt by people saying things they don’t like or disagreeing with them in any way.
Now that you understand the feelings of the Jew, you understand why 2015 must be the year that protection of these feelings and emotions takes precedent over so-called “free speech,” “war crimes” and “sex trafficking laws,” when Antisemitic websites such as the Holocaust Deprogramming Course are outlawed, the Antisemitic ICC is disbanded and Antisemitic sex slaves are thrown in prison.