Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2015

An interesting, seemingly legitimate proposition has been set forth on 8chan: the creation of a White homeland in Namibia.
The board, appropriately titled /namibia/, was founded by 8chan user Kommandant. He writes:
I just want to start by saying that no feat is too great, no task too arduous when done for the love of ones clan and blood. I have a hope for this future to prevail. And I know you can all see it too. It’s an ember, but with just the right amount of breath it can become a raging fire. And all of Africa will see it’s beautiful glow in the night sky. Call it Southwest Africa, call it New Rhodesia, Call it whatever you want.
But what it really is, is an idea born from desperation and love for a dying culture and a people under systematic attack.
This idea will live, and we, you and I will be the lucky few to which they will teach the children in generations to come.
Why Namibia, though? Kommandant lists several reasons:
>Extremely cheap land
>Not all as inhospitable as you may believe
>Cheap labor
>Not a huge Namibian population
>Small resistant military force (our claims may be held fast after being established)
>Bordering Botswana for possible expansion
>Bordering Angola for fuel
>Not landlocked (useful for shipping/receiving/fishing/energy production)
>Soon to be Chinese Migrants in Namibia who will establish trade-links and shipping terminals and services with China.
Do you, reader, believe that the idea of a White homeland in Namibia should be taken seriously? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section and/or participate in the discussion on /namibia/ itself.