Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 23, 2015

The Jews of New Anonymous are now using their “war” against ISIS (ddossing their websites) as an excuse to attack one of the only pure free speech companies left on the internet.
You would have thought the Jews would stop reporting on these Anonykikes after the massive faildox of the KKK. But you would have thought wrong.
Anonymous has attacked web services startup CloudFlare for providing protection against cyberattacks to pro-Isis websites.
The company protects customers against the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks popular amongst groups like Anonymous by routing connections through its own content delivery network. By weeding out malicious connections, it prevents DDoS attacks from succeeding in their goal of overwhelming a website with traffic so that it collapses.
But according to members of Anonymous, which has reaffirmed its yearlong “war” against Isis following the Paris attacks, that technology is also being used by pro-Isis websites to protect themselves against the hacktivist collective’s attempts to bring down their servers.
The week before the Paris attacks, Ghost Security Group, an Anonymous-affiliated “counter-terrorism network”, counted almost 40 websites that use CloudFlare’s services to protect their content. According to GhostSec, 34 were propaganda websites, four were discussion forums, and two offered technical services.
Such accusations are nothing new to CloudFlare, which has long argued that it is not its job to police content on its network. In August 2013, in response to similar allegations from James Cook, a reporter at the Kernel magazine, the company’s chief executive Matthew Prince published a blogpost laying out its view on free speech on its network.
Once again: direct attack on free speech.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather have internet freedom than shut down a few ISIS websites. Cloudflare is a company which also helps to protect sites which question the government. Once you stop their free speech policy, you end up in a situation where everyone’s speech is open to being questioned.

And we have here the question:
How, exactly, is ddosing ISIS doing anything to them? I’m sure it’s annoying to whomever is running ISIS’ websites, but does it actually do anything to stop them?
Obviously no. ISIS is not an internet-based organization. Attacking their websites has no effect on anything but their websites. If these anonymous kikes want to stop ISIS, they should go and fight for Assad’s military. Otherwise, all they are doing is attacking free speech, which is exactly the thing we want not to happen.
Anonymous ddos attacks are gay as hell and do nothing. Everything about these faggots is gay as hell. They should be arrested, but they won’t be because… well, figure it out.
The Jews have no trouble finding them – why does the US government?
It is worth noting that Anonymous started as an “organization” defending free speech. Now they are attempting to shut down one of the last remaining companies which stands for free speech.

This same New Anonymous group has ddossed this site and other pro-White sites, specifically saying that they want to shut down the freedom of speech of “racists.” No one knows why they want to do that, as they have not explained it, but it certainly violates their stated goals in their “Million Mask March,” which are related to the protection of free speech.
Following the media storm around their KKK operation, which turned out to be completely ridiculous on every level, appearing as though they themselves had been trolled, the media is once again playing up their “war” on ISIS.
Look at the Alternet headline:
“Takes down” in this context means mass-reporting Arabic Twitter accounts. The Alternet article doesn’t even mention how they did this “take down,” as it sounds too gay and stupid. They leave it vague, as if they guessed the passwords of 5,500 people.
Because these people presumably do not read Arabic, or have any way to identify ISIS members beyond their Twitter profiles, they mass-reported a bunch of people who are definitely not ISIS.
A group associated with the Anonymous hacktivist movement launched what they claimed was a “total war” against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or Daesh), encouraging people to join in an effort allegedly targeting social media accounts associated with the terror organization in response to the attacks in Paris a week ago. Multiple “ops” have been launched in an attempt to crowdsource efforts to disrupt ISIS social media and even hack its members. But there has also been a rash of accusations between those associated with different operations, and it’s not clear that any of them are achieving anything other than drawing attention to Anonymous again.
In a video release, self-proclaimed members of #OpParis announced that they had taken down 20,000 Twitter accounts associated with ISIS. Individuals associated with the operation also claim to have alerted law enforcement to planned ISIS attacks in the US and Paris.
However, many of the accounts targeted by an automated Twitter reporting script that the group has distributed via links from its chat channel have nothing to do with the Islamic State. And the FBI has discounted that information, releasing a statement that “we do not have specific or credible information of an attack at this time.” The US attack claimed to have been uncovered by Anonymous members was allegedly targeting a WWE wrestling event in Atlanta tonight.
Nearly all of the accounts in the current list being distributed by the operation via Pastebin to a Twitter reporting script being used by some Anonymous members have already been suspended. Another list of about 4,000 accounts posted by Anonymous members and reviewed by Ars includes Twitter accounts that have posted messages sympathetic to ISIS, but in the majority they are not specifically ISIS. Some are actually those of Palestinians, and others appear to be accounts “trolling” ISIS. Others appear to be merely accounts in Arabic.
I guess they had to do something after Cloudflare stopped their ddosing plans. But man, how gay. They should really just pay some Arabs to put these masks on and show video of it, be like “we’re now in Syria, killing their dudes.”
ISIS and the rest of the terrorists take Bitcoin, guys. I’m sure they’ll put these masks on and blow some stuff up if you throw them a few bucks. They are a mercenary group.
Anyway – why does the media keep reporting on this group, which presently exists only because the media says it does? I guess it is sexy to imagine a secret global network of SJW do-gooders fighting against the evil empire.
At some point though – presumably soon – this is going to turn into such a joke that only joke media will report on it.
Meanwhile, I’m waiting for you guys to start putting up videos and tweets saying you’re Anonymous and you’re at war with the Jews.