New BBC Documentary Says MH17 Being Shot Down by Ukrainian Jet is a Conspiracy Theory

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2016


It was one of the goofiest things we’d ever seen when the Western media came out and told us that Putin himself had ordered a passenger plane shot down over the Ukraine because he is a very mean person.

Since then, we’ve heard a lot of goofier things than that as the global goof level continues to rapidly intensify day-by-day (Merkel’s “they’ll pay our pensions” argument came after this, so did the Clock Boy incident, etc.), but the idea that Putin ordered this plane shot down for no reason remains very goofy.

Months after the the plane was shot down, Russia released photos of it being shot down by another plane in the air, and the Western media simply ignored it.


Now, two years later, the BBC has decided to come out and make a mockery of the whole thing, again, framing the air-to-air missile as a “conspiracy theory.”

Daily Mail:

New evidence suggests that the downing of the Malaysian Airlines plane MH17 was caused by a shot from a Ukrainian fighter jet rather than a ground-to-air missile.

The damning allegations will be revealed in a BBC documentary which puts forward a number of theories as to why the aircraft exploded.

It is even argued that the tragedy was caused by a CIA-backed ‘terrorist operation.’

The fresh allegations come as three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and six injured in an upsurge of fighting between pro-Russian rebels and government forces in the country’s separatist east, today.

The Boeing 777 exploded over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014 and killed 298 people, as it headed towards Kuala Lumpur.

Although the official report states that the plane was hit by a Russian-made Buk missile fired from an area of the Ukraine that was under the control of Russian-backed rebels, the programme notes that people saw the aircraft being shot down by a fighter jet.

Speaking in the documentary, Natasha Beronina, said: ‘It was summer, harvest time. We heard a bang.

‘At first we thought we saw black smoke and two planes, little ones like silver toys. One flew straight on and the other one turned round when the bang happened and flew back from where it had come.’

Another extraordinary theory mentioned in the programme is that the aircraft was detonated in a CIA-backed ‘terrorist operation’, where two bombs were planted on the airliner.

This allegation was put forward by private investigator, Sergey Sokolov, who claimed that the CIA were helped by the Ukrainian secret service and Dutch security service, to place the bombs on the plane in Holland.

He said: ‘This terrorist act was a pretext for firstly intensifying sanctions on Russia, secondly to show the world that Russia is a barbarian country and thirdly to strengthen the presence of Nato in Europe, particularly Ukraine.’

The documentary itself is called “Conspiracy Files: Who Shot Down MH17?” suggesting an Alex Jones chemtrials type story.

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They are pretending to investigate, then lying.

There is no need for speculation. We have the satellite photos of the jet being downed by an air-to-air missile.

The BBC has produced this documentary only to further muddy the waters by framing the actual thing that happened as a “conspiracy theory.”