Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 29, 2016
And here everyone just thought mass immigration happened accidentally, or maybe because the stupid goyim wanted all these filthy people in their country living on welfare.
Turns out it was a Jewish conspiracy.
Who knew?
Tony Blair is accused of ‘presiding over a silent conspiracy’ that allowed two million migrants to enter Britain during his decade in power.
A new biography of the former prime minister by the celebrated investigative journalist Tom Bower claims Mr Blair ordered his Labour government not to publicly discuss the issue.
The book Broken Vows: Tony Blair – the Tragedy of Power alleges that the minister in charge of border control ruled against deporting failed asylum seekers because it would be too “emotional” to do so.
Mr Bower interviewed more than 200 senior civil servants, ex-ministers and insiders and claims Mr Blair told officials and ministers: “Don’t mention the advantages of immigration in public because they won’t even want that.”
The book claims that Mr Blair and his Government ‘cynically repackaged’ asylum seekers as economic migrants to the benefit of 350,000 asylum seekers.
It alleges that Barbara Roche, the immigration minister between 1999 and 2001, told a senior immigration official: “Asylum seekers should be allowed to stay in Britain. Removal takes too long and it’s emotional.”
Barbara Roche is a Jew, as are the overwhelming majority of labour party officials involved with immigration.
According to some estimates as many as 2.3 million migrants came to the UK during new Labour’s stranglehold on power from 1997 to 2010.
Pretty impressive.
He’s no Angela Merkel though.
Along with being one of the top importers of Moslems, Blair was also one of the top invaders of Moslems.
Funny how those two things always go together, huh?
It’s almost like… Jews.