Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
January 12, 2015

It would take me awhile to break down all of the ridiculous lies and insane fantasies published in this new Daily Mail article about the alleged horrors that took place in Germany’s World War II Ravensbruck concentration camp. I am merely going to try to summarize some of the key points I found that I believe raise serious questions about the article’s credibility. The article is actually based off of a new Holocaust hoax book written by Sarah Helm entitled “This Is A Woman: Inside Ravensbruck, Hitler’s Concentration Camp For Women.” I think it is clear that no fact checking or common sense was applied before the Daily Mail decided to publish this piece. It makes all sorts of wild claims about human experimentation and mass gassings without any documented proof.
The article starts by claiming that a female trapeze performer named Katharina Waitz successfully escaped from Ravensbruck three times by using her acrobatic skills to traverse over an electric fence, five rows of barbed wire fencing and a 15 foot wall. After escaping for the third time, it is claimed that the other prisoners in her block were made to stand at attention outside without food for three days and three nights. After she was recaptured for the third time, the German guards allowed the prisoners to punish her as they saw fit. It is said that the other prisoners beat her to death. The article provides no specific source for this story but the narrative surrounding it is difficult to believe. Perhaps Helm includes the source of this information in the book, but based on what she wrote, it sounds as if much of this article is based on unproven anecdotal evidence. I mean are we really supposed to believe that a woman was able to escape this camp three times over such extreme fortifications by using her acrobatic skills? It is hard not to laugh at this.
The article also claims that barbaric human experimentation were carried out at Ravensbruck by German doctors Herta Oberheuser, Rolf Rosenthal and Walter Sonntag. Specifically, Helm claims that the doctors deliberately injected syphilis, petrol and bacteria into camp prisoners. What’s interesting is that Helm admits that there are no records of how Dr. Sonntag carried out these alleged experiments. She also fails to provide any documented proof that the other doctors were involved in such experimentation. She just says that everyone was aware that these things were happening.
Here’s a direct quote from the article.
No records remain of how he carried out his trials, though everyone was aware they were happening. A camp survivor heard of ‘syphilis being injected into the spinal cord’.
Much has been made about alleged human experimentation carried out by German doctors at these camps by the Jew run media. What I’d like to know is if all of this really happened, where is all of the documented evidence showing the results of these experiments? Did the Germans not learn anything from these alleged experiments? Or does documentation not exist because the experiments never happened?
Playing devil’s advocate, I suppose it is possible that the Germans carried out some forms of human experimentation for the purposes of aiding German soldiers on the war front, but there has been so much disinformation put out by Jews in books, films and articles about this subject that it is impossible to separate fact from fiction. When you also consider the many exaggerated stories detailing bizarre experiments and torture allegedly carried out by Auschwitz medical doctor Josef Mengele, it makes these stories even more difficult to believe. The Jews calling Mengele the “Angel of Death” seems to indicate that they had a vested interest in demonizing this man to promote their Holocaust hoax propaganda.
If this wasn’t ridiculous enough, the article goes on to claim that a temporary gas chamber was built out of an old tool shed patched up with some kind of adhesive. Supposedly this makeshift gas chamber was used to to gas 150 women to death at a single time. Really? A patched up tool shed?
Here’s another direct quote from the article that describes this.
Shooting and poisoning took too long. Gassing was quicker. It would double the numbers killed. A temporary gas chamber was fashioned out of an old tool shed close to the crematorium, just outside the camp wall.
Measuring 12ft by 18ft, it resembled a car garage. Gaps and holes in the walls were covered with mastic and a special airtight cover fixed over the roof with a small hatch.
The women were pushed inside, 150 at a time, and the door shut. Then a canister of gas was thrown in from the roof. According to a witness, there was moaning and crying for two to three minutes, then silence.
Prisoners in the closest blocks would hear the lorries pull up and wondered why the engines were left running for so long. Then someone said it was to cover the screams from the gas chamber.
Quite a believable story is it not? Evil “Nazis” used an old tool shed to gas hundreds of women to death at a time. I hope you can sense my sarcasm.
I’m sure there are other points that could be made, but I think I’ve laid out enough information that should raise some serious questions about the credibility of the claims being made.
One thing I will say, is that it looks like the Jews are pulling out all the stops to promote the 70th anniversary of Holocaust Memorial Day by publishing a wide variety of Holocaust hoax fables. The recent story that made the rounds detailing the claims of a 101-year-old Jewess who said she survived Auschwitz because the Germans ran out of gas is another example proving this. The story is fundamentally flawed on so many levels that it is hard to comprehend. Peter Winter the author of “Six Million Fact or Fiction?” has completely dismantled her story proving it to be filled with outright lies and falsehoods.
What will it take for the world to realize that the alleged World War II Holocaust of Jews is the biggest hoax of the 20th century? It couldn’t be any more obvious that these stories are made up fantasies and lies.