Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2015

It’s official: women are now the new Jews. They are an eternally innocent victim class, which cannot, in any situation, be held responsible for their own behavior. Instead, everything they do is now men’s fault.
This official status as the new Jews was achieved with the passage of new anti-date rape legislation in the UK which will require that if a woman accuses a man of rape, he must prove that she consented. The woman is not required to present any evidence. The man is just guilty, unless he can manage to prove his innocence.
The Director of Public Prosecutions said it was time for the legal system to move beyond the concept of “no means no” to recognise situations where women may have been unable to give consent.
Alison Saunders said rape victims should no longer be “blamed” by society if they are too drunk to consent to sex, or if they simply freeze and say nothing because they are terrified of their attacker.
Instead, police and prosecutors must now put a greater onus on rape suspects to demonstrate how the complainant had consented “with full capacity and freedom to do so”.
Mrs Saunders said: “For too long society has blamed rape victims for confusing the issue of consent – by drinking or dressing provocatively for example – but it is not they who are confused, it is society itself and we must challenge that.
“Consent to sexual activity is not a grey area – in law it is clearly defined and must be given fully and freely.
“It is not a crime to drink, but it is a crime for a rapist to target someone who is no longer capable of consenting to sex though drink.
“These tools take us well beyond the old saying ‘no means no’ – it is now well established that many rape victims freeze rather than fight as a protective and coping mechanism.
“We want police and prosecutors to make sure they ask in every case where consent is the issue – how did the suspect know the complainant was saying yes and doing so freely and knowingly?”
In the sixth century Digest of Emperor Justinian I, a rule regarding guilt and innocence was stated: Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat — “Proof lies on him who asserts, not on him who denies.” This was generally considered one of the guiding principles of the Western legal system. But no more.
It is completely unclear how the man would prove the woman said “yes,” and in fact that doesn’t even seem to have been considered. I’ve read multiple articles on this, and none explains how the man is to prove it. Surely, even if he had a legal contract giving him written consent to engage in copulation, the woman could say he forced her to sign it, and as the basis of the legislation is her word over his in every case, this signed contract would be of no value.
What this is is simply another power-grab by women, who have made demands and made more demands and as they were all answered they are kicking it up a notch where you are literally surrendering yourself to a woman in totality by engaging in intercourse with her.
My View on “Date Rape”
The modern discussion of rape is a witch-hunt by deranged feminists, supported by most all women because women have a collective identity. It is also supported by beta males who believe supporting feminism will get them laid.

There are two cases wherein “date rape” is a valid concept: if you are physically forced or you’re drugged. In other words, “date rape” is rape when it is the same thing as normal old-fashioned rape. Coincidentally, these are also the only cases where evidence would exist – the woman would have marks on her body if she’d been forced physically and if she’d been drugged blood tests would show it.
These are the only cases where it should even be investigated, but in both cases the woman could still be lying. She could have engaged in voluntary rough sex and ended up with marks on her body and drugs she could have swallowed voluntarily. But if either situation happens, the cops should interview the accused and the woman should have the option of pressing charges if grounds are shown to exist.
Conversely, if a woman comes to the police and says “he raped me! I was in his bedroom and I was so drunk I couldn’t stop him!” she should be arrested and prosecuted for falsely accusing someone of a crime. Their picture should then be posted on the internet by the police in a file of false rape accusers.

This “she was too drunk to know what was happening and so the man should have been responsible” simply portrays women as little children who need to be taken care of. And though that might be a fair portrayal, in the context of feminism, they are only children in need of taking care of when something they don’t like happens. Every other time, they are superior intellectual creatures which should be ruling over men.
It must be one or the other, consistently. If they are little children who are so stupid they can’t be held responsible for getting wasted drunk and going to a bedroom with a man then we should definitely be teaching them to avoid getting wasted drunk at parties or with men they aren’t interested in having sex with. If they are superior intellectual beings then they really should be capable of taking responsibility for their own behavior.
The fact of this matter is that alcohol causes men to engage in sexual acts they would not otherwise engage in. As the male reader is probably aware, it is not an unheard of occurrence that a woman you would never consider having sex with if you had your wits about you comes at you when you’re drunk, trying to take advantage of your state for her own purposes.

I imagine that most all men who have done any amount of partying in their lives know the feeling of waking up next to a woman who you find repulsive after having slept off the drink. This is the exact same thing these sluts are talking about with their “date rape” gibberish. A direct analogue. However, the man’s natural response in this situation is not to call the police and demand that the beastly woman be made to suffer, it is to be like “hell, man, I’m such an idiot, why did I get that drunk?” This, feminists, is what men call “personal responsibility,” a term you should probably become familiar with if you really are intent on becoming just like men.
What’s worse is that a huge portion of the women making these rape claims are probably actually women who did take advantage of a drunk man and then became enraged when he didn’t want anything to do with her afterwards.
Blacks and Hadjis
The sickest thing of all is that while these women are screaming about White men on college campuses (and wherever) engaging in this made-up concept of “date rape,” they completely ignore the only rape holocaust being committed by the Blacks (in America) and the Moslems (in Europe).

There is nothing theoretical or confusing about the way these non-White hordes rape women – they either grab them off the street, or if the victims are little girls, they trick them and drug them. And yet, never once have I heard a feminist complaining about this.
This proves that this is simply yet another Marxist program to strip White Men of their power in society.
Bottom Line
Feminism is at the root of the demise of the West. Yes, Jews did it, but without the feminist revolution, they never would have been able to push things as far as they have. They are now pushing feminism to its ultimate conclusion, which is that women, holding the majority of positions in universities, taking over most formerly male professions and running the government now have a right to simply throw men in prison.
Giving more power to women does absolutely nothing to improve society, just like giving more power to Blacks or queers does nothing to improve society. We have clear and undisputed evidence of this fact.
The solution to the problems that both men and women in Western nations are facing is to return complete control to those suited to run these nations, the same people who built these nations: White heterosexual males.