Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 20, 2015
A new comic book will show what would have happened if the alien baby who became Superman had landed in Nazi Germany instead of Smallville, Kansas. It predicts that if this had been the case, Hitler would have won and that would have been somehow bad.
Just as I have never denied being a hardcore Nazi extremist, I have also never denied being a comic book nerd. Being a comic book nerd is something like being an alcoholic, in that you will always be drawn to comic books even when you haven’t read them in years, and you occasionally have relapses, where you binge-read comic books for weeks or months before getting back on the righteous path. I have heard vidya addicts describe similar troubles.
DC Comics has always been the Pepsi to Marvel’s Coke, in my personal perception, as none of their characters are interesting in any way. Except Batman and some obscure ones like Doom Patrol. Recently, DC redid their entire universe in such a way as to make everything suck worse than it already did. I downloaded some of these comics via bittorrent (in a country where that is not illegal, of course – I am a law-abiding gentleman), and they were even crappier than you could have ever speculated. In the Batman book, Joker literally rips off his own face.

It was apparently meant to be the most hardcore thing ever, but instead came across as weird, stupid and offensive.
This new Nazi universe is a similar attempt at edginess, no doubt. The entirety of the Justice League will be present, but in this Nazi world they are the Mastermen, a group of White master-racers. Interestingly, in the original books they were all White as well, because in the forties and fifties when DC was creating these characters the idea of non-White people acting heroically was universally considered to be retarded. Even the Jews who worked on the comics wouldn’t have dared back then to suggest a Jewish or Negroid hero.

The series is written by Grant Morrison, who while being a liberal, I have always found to be a bright fellow. In his early years, he wrote a comic called “The New Adventures of Hitler” wherein history’s greatest hero was not painted as evil. I suppose it was meant to be “ironic,” but still, it was in no way disrespectful, and he was accused of being a Nazi.
I always sort of suspected he wasn’t a total anti-Nazi, just as many people are secretly not total anti-Nazis, even if they are not secret full-Nazis. He has written many “fascist” type of characters in a sympathetic light. His Batman was basically a fascist, in that he was an authoritarian obsessive.
But in this new Supernazi book comic, we have open mockery of Hitler, which goes along with the cartoonish standards of the modern Jew entertainment culture.

I will not be paying five dollars for this comic book, but I probably will be downloading it from a prominent Swedish freedom site which recently came back online and giving you all a review of just what these people are up to. Not that it really even matters, given that no one reads comic books anymore.