New EP from British NS Band ‘Of Wolves and Angels’ Highlights National-Action Activism

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2015


‘Of Wolves and Angels’ is a new NS band from Britain whose music is influenced by groups such as Brainwash, Fear Rains Down and Moshpit from Germany and Mind Terrorist from Greece. They hope to encourage more young people to become nationalists through their music and the vocalist/guitarist Ghost has taken the time to describe their first EP here:

The first track is a brief intro and it features samples taken from Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech as well as from various news reports on current events in this country, specifically about the ‘far-right’ in Britain; which sets the scene.

The second track, ‘State of Nation’ is a statement of intent; from the band, from National Action and for all white British youth who are aware of the reality of the situation. It is about who we are and how the future belongs to us – if only we’re ready to stand up for ourselves and take it.

Track three, ‘This is the New War’ is about why we fight. We’re not just facing extinction, but also the creeping cultural marxism being pushed on us in our schools, colleges, universities and the media. In recent years this has only been getting worse, and it is up to our generation to resist, as well as preserve what once made this nation great. We’re constantly told that everything to do with our past is shameful, to break our pride so we’re no longer a threat. The ‘new war’ is not just our opposition to the current system but our defence of our heritage and traditions.

‘Wake Up’, track four is about those who enable the destruction of our culture and our people in the name of alleged progress, and in particular those Whites who collude with the ZOG and marxists, usually through ignorance. These are the people who have fallen for the propaganda, internalised the ‘white guilt’ and who think that they’re doing the right thing by being ‘progressive and tolerant’, ignoring or maybe not even noticing that they are blindly leading us to cultural suicide.
Obviously the ringleaders are guilty of treason and should be put up against a wall, but those who have been misled need to be liberated from this marxist brainwashing and shown the truth.

The final track, ‘Aethelwulf’ is about the events surrounding Garron Helm’s imprisonment, and is dedicated to Garron and all those who have been locked up for wanting to rescue their country. It’s about staying strong in the face of overwhelming odds, as the path we choose is by no means an easy one to take. What happened to Garron and the ‘Liverpool 10′ was completely outrageous and the more people hear about the facts of this case, the more they’ll start to see that something is seriously wrong with the way our country is being run.

The EP can be downloaded for free from Wolfsangel as Ghost’s contribution to the National Socialist cause and to the community which gave him a purpose, by telling him that he had an identity to be proud of.

You can also read an interview with Ghost here.