New Fantastic Holocaust Story of Women Smuggling Bomb-Making Material Under Their Fingernails

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 25, 2014

The Jewesses do their ground-breaking new finger-nail gunpowder dance.
The Jewesses do their ground-breaking new finger-nail gunpowder dance.

In the majority of cases, genuine holohoax fables are even more absurd than the satirical ones.

Take the latest dance/film installation at the Center for Jewish History in New York City for instance.

The performance seems to be “look, I’ll show you, Schlomo – there is nothing these goyim won’t believe if you make it sentimental.”

Entitled “Four Women,” the main premise is that four Jewesses smuggled enough gunpowder under their fingernails in order to blow up a crematorium.

Quite why they would want to blow up an Auschwitz crematorium, that was used to sanitarily dispose of dead bodies and prevent disease is not explained.

Neither is it explained why their friends were murdered instead of gassed, or how they were able to get to their dead bodies, in order to then stuff them full of the gunpowder that they had heroically smuggled in under their finger nails.

I think we can guess which orifice they will claim they stuffed the powder into, bearing in mind this is a Jewish production.

Even a genuine quote from a review is unintentionally funny: “Somehow their heroic venture was not recognized in history books.”

And what a shame it is that we are only just now learning of these wacky Jew concentration camp highjinks. To think, these women’s story could have been lost forever if someone didn’t just right now think to tell it.

What wild adventures these Jews had in Hitler’s evil resort centers!