Daily Stormer
August 24, 2016
Man, dis studyin be racys and shieet.
The problem with equality, is that some of us just can’t make it on their own. They just need a little boost.
So what’s the best way to give them that boost?
You handicap everyone else, of course.
A second grade teacher’s no-homework policy has gone viral, thanks to a student’s mother posting about it on Facebook.
Last week, mom Samantha Gallagher posted a note on Facebook from her daughter’s teacher reading: “After much research this summer, I’m trying something new. Homework will only consist of work that your student did not finish during the school day. There will be no formally assigned homework this year.”
The further we move away from this, the more equal we’ll be.
While you can force Black children to perform the same tasks as White children while they are in class (up to a certain extent), once they’re home you can be sure no productive work will get done. Their parents will certainly not force them to study, that’s for sure.
Godley Elementary School teacher Brandy Young told parents research doesn’t prove homework improves performance. So, she said, time after school is best spent eating dinner as a family, reading together, playing outside and getting children to bed early.
Really, bitch? Research shows that reading and solving problems doesn’t improve academic performance? What kind of Jew research is that?
Research shows playing video games has the same impact on grades as solving math problems. And yes, that’s original X-Box controllers – these stock photo people are really out of touch.
As our schools continue to “diversify,” teachers are pressured to lower standards to hide the huge performance divide between White children and the various other invading races that share the classroom with them.
The problem, of course, is that this will eventually lead to the total abolishing of all testing and grading, making it impossible to distinguish between the academic quality of different students. Then the Jew will be able to finish shutting out White men out of universities by filling all classrooms with “diversity.”
This, while painful in the short term, means that the Jew system will inevitably crumble from within, since it will be staffed entirely by incompetent and clueless people.
Also, now is a good time to homeschool your kids, if you intend for them to actually learn anything of value.