New Jersey: Jew Picked to Lead Commission to Release More Violent Blacks Into the Street

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2018

Blacks commit more violent and more frequent crime than whites. In order to correct this disparity, you have to release more guilty blacks and imprison more innocent whites.

Who better to lead such an ambitious program than a Jew!

The state of New Jersey is appointing former Jewish Judge Deborah Poritz to lead a commission seeking to engineer this goal. Poritz is famous for her previous “innovation” of increasing the burden of proof on negroes accused of murder solely because of their race.

Don’t get me wrong, there are problems in the way criminal justice is executed in the United States. An honest reformer would look at the poor quality of over-burdened or opportunistic public defenders, for example.

But the reason they are only interested race rather than class is that a reform in this direction would only increase the “race gap,” since it will allow more innocent working class whites to go free while barely making a dent in the lives of career felon negroes trying to beat their third murder case. This isn’t about justice, it’s about hurting society.

Planet Princeton:

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy today announced that he is convening the New Jersey Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission to examine racial and ethnic disparities in the state’s criminal justice system.

In 2009, the New Jersey Legislature established the 13-member commission, but Governor Chris Christie never appointed members and the commission never met.

“New Jersey has the nation’s worst disparity in the rates of incarceration between black and white offenders,” Murphy said. “We can and must do better. A Criminal Sentencing and Disposition Commission can undertake the important review of our sentencing laws and recommend reforms necessary to ensure a stronger, fairer, and more just state.”

In addition to reconstituting the commission, Murphy also announced the appointment of two members: former New Jersey Supreme Court Chief Justice Deborah Poritz of Princeton, and Jiles Ship. Poritz served as an attorney general and a chief justice during her career. Ship is the former president of the National Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives a current member of the New Jersey Police Training Commission, and previously served as a member of the Edison Police Department.

As generally lousy as Chris Christie was, he was able to cut the murder rate in African cities like Camden down 66% from 2012-2017. His secret? He disbanded the Jewish pro-crime programs that let violent blacks out of prison just because they’re black.

Black crime combined with state-enforced integrated housing is a Jewish instrument of terrorism against white families.

It’s how they broke up the ethnic European enclaves in New York and Chicago (thanks to the Jew Louis Wirth’s “urban renewal”), and how they plan to continue terrorizing whites until there’s none of us left.