New Jersey: Police Hunting for Whoever Sent These Mean Faxes About Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 5, 2016

Please email  Steve Lieberman ( and ask him why he thought it was okay to report a direct attack on free speech so uncritically.
Please email Steve Lieberman ( and ask him why he thought it was okay to report a direct attack on free speech so uncritically.

It appears that in 2016, the government – local police in particular – might just start acting like “hate speech” is illegal in America, even though it actually isn’t.

In other news, fax machines apparently still exist.

Shortly after the fax machine was invented, it was used by evil men to transmit messages of pure hatred.
Shortly after the fax machine was invented, it was used by evil men to transmit messages of pure hatred.


Town police are investigating after two Ramapo villages and the town received an anti-Semitic letter by fax in recent weeks.

The letter suggests Jews suck the life out of Christians and other religions and should be placed on reservations and forced to work.

Police are trying to track down who faxed the missive to the three government offices.

“This is obviously an anti-Semitic letter, certainly written by somebody who’s not quite rational,” Detective Lt. Mark Emma said Monday.

Emma said detectives will try to trace the fax number, but that’s not an easy task.

He said the sender could face a possible harassment charge and police would also weigh whether the incidents meet the definition of a hate crime.

There you go, goyim: it may be a “hate crime.”


It actually isn’t, because no crime was committed. “Harassment” would have to be continuing to send messages after they had been asked to stop in a harassing manner.

But even that would be such a minor crime, given that it is just faxes to the government, that it would be extremely weird for police to put effort into trying to hunt someone down.

But: Jews.


We must protect them at all costs, because of the Holocaust.

Wesley Hills Mayor Marshall Katz said the letter was “Nazi-ish.”

Katz, as a modern Orthodox Jew, said the statements “personally hurt” him and noted the letter doesn’t contain misspellings or grammatical errors.

“It reads like an intelligent person wrote it and that’s even more upsetting,” he said.

Pomona Mayor Brett Yagel called the letter-writer a “warped individual.” He said the village received a similar letter last year; in that case it was handwritten while the more recent faxed version was typed.

Both Katz and Yagel said the letter was reported to Ramapo police; Katz said he also contacted the Anti-Defamation League, an advocacy group against anti-Semitism and hate.

It is so incredible that these Jews have the nerve to keep saying “there is no logic here, it’s just irrational hatred driven madness” after people have made the same exact claims against them for thousands of years.

Maybe if you'd been accused of the same thing only a few hundred times, it would be believable that it was all a hoax against you. But thousands upon thousands of times people said the same thing about you and it's always been a hoax? Please, Jew.
Maybe if you’d been accused of the same thing only a few hundred times, it would be believable that it was all a hoax against you. But thousands upon thousands of times people said the same thing about you and it’s always been a hoax? Please, Jew.

Police investigating this event comes after police in November investigated fliers posted on a Florida university campus, saying that the fliers could be considered “criminal mischief.”

In December, the FBI offered a $5000 reward for information leading to the arrest of someone who put bacon strips on the door of a mosque in Las Vegas.

Are they going to charge him with littering?
Are they going to charge him with littering?

It is very clear that there is a push to move into European-style “hate speech” laws in America. Apparently, because there would be little support for actually passing such laws, they are just going to start charging people with nonsense crimes when they engage in free speech that the government doesn’t like.