Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2014

After a totally fair and real election wherein only Jews were allowed to run and a third of the population was driven to the polls at gunpoint, a new era of mass murder has dawned in the Ukraine.
With the Jew Poroshenko having beat out the Jew Tymoshenko and officially taken over from where the Jew Yatsenyuk left off, the slaughter of civilians in the East of the Ukraine has intensified to genocidal levels.
Troops killed “dozens” of rebels without suffering any losses, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said today, while the mayor’s office in the eastern city of Donetsk said 40 people died and 31 were wounded. Gunmen also broke through the border from the Russian side after a firefight with government forces overnight, and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for humanitarian and military help, according to separatist leader Denis Pushilin.
“The anti-terrorist operation is in an active phase now,” First Deputy Prime Minister Vitaliy Yarema told journalists in Kiev today. “We’ll continue this operation until there are no terrorists on Ukraine’s territory.”
Poroshenko, who has a fortune of $1 billion according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, vowed yesterday to intensify the operations to defeat the separatists, saying “they won’t last two or three months; they’ll last a few hours.”
That drew a warning from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that any escalation would be a “colossal mistake.” In a phone call with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Putin said the government in Kiev must halt its military operation, Putin’s office said in a statement.
Ukrainian paratroopers, helicopters and warplanes attacked separatists who seized the airport yesterday in Donetsk, a city of about 1 million people, and have retaken it, Avakov said.
“The airport is fully controlled” by government troops, Avakov told journalists in Kiev. “The most positive thing is that we did not have any casualties among our troops, while the terrorists lost dozens.”
Fighter aircraft were seen in the skies and explosions were heard in Donetsk last night, with renewed fighting near the railway station, the Ostrov news website reported. Today, Ukrainian government forces blocked all roads heading north of Donetsk to the rebel stronghold of Slovyansk as fighting continued there and in the southern coastal port Mariupol.
Another group of rebels crossed the border from Russia in Ukraine’s eastern Luhansk region after a gun battle with government forces, Ukraine’s Border Service said in a statement on its website today. Ukrainian troops killed one insurgent, wounded another and captured three of the fewer than 10 vehicles that tried to break through, press officer Oleg Slobodyan said by phone. No Ukrainian troops were killed.
Here are some of the terrorists the death squads of freedom took out yesterday.
Really brave stuff, really making it good for democracy and freedom.

Unsatisfied with the present rate of murder, Poroshenko is also calling for a full-on invasion by the US military.
What would help, Poroshenko says, is direct U.S. military aid. He brought up Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease program during World War II, paraphrasing Roosevelt’s argument as “when your neighbor’s house is burning, you should lend him your hose.”
“Now we should create a new security treaty exactly like Lend-Lease,” he said. “We should cooperate in military technical assistance and in advising assistance. We are ready to fight for independence, and we should build up the armed forces of Ukraine.”
“Independence” says the new head of the Jewish Occupational Government of the Ukraine.
It is shocking that there do not appear to be any Ukrainians allowed to be involved in high politics in the Ukraine. Instead, we have the most brutal form of Jew running things and conducting depraved campaigns of mass murder in the name of Talmudic law.

What is happening in the East amounts to a genocide, as the area is ethnically cleansed of its indigenous Russian population by a band of Jew-controlled foreign mercenaries.
And the Pravy Sektor Nazis remain silent.
The question remains:
What will Putin do…?
Will he continue to do nothing as his people are slaughtered like dogs?
Or will he kick out that jams and invade the Ukraine, bringing justice to the people?