New Jew Spy Scandal Demonstrates How Jewed America is

David Duke
September 25, 2014

A new Israeli spy scandal—involving the personal blackmail of Palestinians based on raw intelligence provided to the Zionist state by the American National Security Agency (NSA)—has revealed the full disgusting levels to which the Zionist Supremacists stoop.

The scandal has also revealed how heavily subservient the American establishment is to this criminal conspiracy.

Headquarters of Unit 8200, at the Urim base, located just under 20 miles away from the Beersheva prison, in the Negev desert.
Headquarters of Unit 8200, at the Urim base, located just under 20 miles away from the Beersheva prison, in the Negev desert.

A report by the National Public Radio (NPR) service has been the sole outlet to break the otherwise controlled US-mass media’s silence on the scandal.

According to the NPR, the existence of the blackmailing campaign was revealed by a group of 43 Israeli army veterans for whom the scandal was too outrageous—even for them.

The veterans, from the Israeli army’s secretive spy organization, Unit 8200, claimed they’d been directed to spy on Palestinians for coercion purposes.

The group signed an open letter of protest to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and to the head of the Israeli army, accusing the spy agency of targeting innocent Palestinians and collecting data for political purposes, not national security.

Dubbed the “refusniks,” the veterans declared that they had a “moral duty” to no longer “take part in the state’s actions against Palestinians.”

The source of much of the Israeli data has been identified as the U.S. National Security Agency. Author and journalist James Bamford interviewed NSA leaker Edward Snowden in Moscow this summer, and reported that Snowden was eager to discuss documents that show a U.S. agreement to routinely share information with Israel and Unit 8200.

The information includes the content and metadata of phone calls and emails from Palestinian-Americans living in the U.S., in an agreement reached in 2009.

The agreement calls for the material to be “raw” or unredacted, meaning names and personal information have not been taken out — “which is extremely unusual,” Bamford says. “They don’t even do that with their closest partners, like the British.”

Unit 8200 veterans say Israeli spies search intelligence for sexual orientation, infidelity and other indiscretions that could be used against Palestinians living in the Mideast.

Unit 8200 is “using that to blackmail, basically, to coerce innocent Palestinians into working for Israel,” Bamford says.

According to the veterans’ letter, “A lot of it was simply being used for political reasons. It was given to politicians for their individual use. They felt that they were involved in political operations as opposed to defense operations.”

Israeli backlash against the 43 veterans has been sharp. The defense minister has called their actions “criminal,” and Israeli Prime MInsiter Benjamin Netanyahu accused them of “baseless slander” which “should be condemned.” Two hundred other members of Unit 8200 signed a counter-letter defending the agency.

Bamford says the NSA is untrustworthy and that Americans should be concerned about its activities. Bamford, who used to work for the NSA, is the author of many books about U.S. intelligence, including The Shadow Factory.

“You have a lot of Palestinian-Americans who happen to live in the United States, and if their private communications with relatives in Israel and occupied Palestine, then that puts them at great risk, puts their relatives at great risk,” he says.

“If they talk about confidential things in an email, or in a telephone call, what right does the U.S. government have to give that information to a government that’s basically hostile to them?”