Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2015

Goyim, you’re paranoid.
Maybe some of your women want to do sex with monkeys, maybe some not. They are liberated and free, it’s their choice, it’s our choice to make shows about it.
There is no agenda.
As anyone who binge-watched Netflix’s new superhero-noir series can tell you, it’s remarkably frank about sexuality: There are a half-dozen sex scenes, and they’re as vivid as they are realistic. Jessica Jones’s creators and performers told us that those scenes grew out of the show’s takes on gender, power, and superhero-genre tropes — and that they were much more enjoyable to watch than to film.
Read no further if you don’t want Jessica Jones spoilers.
“People go, ‘Wow, this must be fun.’ Well, they don’t realize you do it all day. It takes, like, half a day to film it,” said Mike Colter, who plays Jessica’s love interest, a fellow superstrong loner named Luke Cage. Most of the show’s sex scenes are between him and Krysten Ritter’s Jessica, and they’re pronouncedly athletic. The first one begins with the two of them in missionary position and ends with Jessica playing power bottom by getting Luke to take her from behind. Even for the eye-poppingly muscular Colter, the scene was physically draining.
“My chest and my arms were burning, there were points in my back — I was like, ‘Another take?’ Literally, I was trembling,” Colter recalled. He took solace in the leadership of episode director S.J. Clarkson, known for her work on Dexter and Heroes. “She’s the sex-scene director to have if you want to do sex scenes, because she knows exactly where to put the hands and what to do with the hands and what to do with the head. She’s just technically sound on it.”Technical precision was also the preferred approach for David Petrarca, who directed the episode in which we see Luke and Jessica go at it three times. “The problem is, people bring their own kind of shame about sex to the table” when you shoot sex scenes, he said. “If you project that into the environment, you charge the atmosphere. So the best way is to make it as pedestrian as humanly possible.”
That said, one of the moments he directed wasn’t pedestrian by non-superhuman standards: Jessica is on top of Luke, riding him so hard that they shatter the bed’s bottom legs. The bed was a custom-built rig with breakable legs, which were held together with a pin. On command, a trigger would pull the pin and drop the bed. But even while filming that scene of sexual frenzy, the on-set atmosphere was one of artistic distance.
“That’s a technical shot! That’s me trying to get an Edward Hopper–esque image of the lonely woman in the window!” Petrarca recalled. “You work through the mechanics: Sheet’s gonna go here, your arm’s here, maybe he rolls this way to the left.”
Wtf is this crap, Jews?
And you people wonder why you were ejected from all of these countries?
In any sane society, the above news piece – by Abraham Riesman (@abrahamjoseph)- would in itself be a reason to immediately deport all Jews from America.
The show itself was made by all Jews, of course.
The show’s creator is Melissa Rosenberg, who is Jew.

The show is based on a comic written by Brian Michael Bendis, who is Jew.

It appears that most of the producers are also Jew (Stan Lee and Jeph Loeb definitely are).

And this is a show about a White superhero having sex with a Black superhero, and they make a point to make the sex scenes as explicit as possible. The show is aimed at young women, and they have a female director specifically for the sex scenes, presumably to make these scenes especially appealing to young women.
This is the second female-centered superhero show featuring a White girl sexually involved with a Black to premiere this year. Supergirl, which is also produced by Christ-killers, features a Black Jimmy Olsen who is the love interest of blonde Kara Zor-El.
I watched the pilot of Supergirl and wrote about it. That show actually went out of its way to demean White males, while pushing the Negro Olsen as macho and attractive.

I have not watched Jessica Jones, but I would imagine it contains the same themes – promoting the Black as alpha and dominant, while demeaning White men by portraying them as weak, petty and pathetic. It does also star David Tennant (Doctor Who), who is the prototypical beta male.

Both shows feature attractive female leads, who are portrayed as sexpots.

By showing attractive females having sex with Blacks, this not only serves to promote the practice among the target audience of these shows, which is adolescent females, but also serves to demean any White male who may be watching the show for whatever reason.
Of course, in reality, it is only the worst of White women who have sex with Blacks. Women who are either obese or mentally deranged.

Attractive and stable White women having sex with Black males is a Jewish fantasy, as it would further disrupt White society. Presently, the Jewish entertainment system is going into overdrive to overtly promote this destructive practice among the White female youth.
Why are we letting Jews do this to our society?
Are we insane?