Stuff Black People Don’t Like
March 27, 2015
“The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.” — Genesis 18:26
The Lower 9th Ward is America’s version of Sodom, and God’s judgement fell upon this area of New Orleans in 2005.
Almost ten years later, a white father of three found himself delivering a pizza to an address in the Lower 9th Ward.

And for the second time in six months, a white pizza deliveryman was murdered by blacks. [Domino’s delivery driver slain in Lower 9th was husband, father of 3 young children,, 3-24-15]:
The Domino’s Pizza delivery driver shot to death inside his car early Tuesday morning (March 24) in the Lower 9th Ward has been identified by company officials as Michael Price.
The 36-year-old husband and father of three young children, ages 8, 6 and 2, lived in the Lower 9th and was on his way to make a delivery when he was murdered, said Robert Tedesco, regional vice president for local Domino’s franchisee RPM Pizza LLC, which operates the Franklin Avenue Domino’s where Price worked for the last year or so.
“He was an exemplary team member,” Tedesco said. “He always came to work smiling, doing what we asked him to do. He didn’t get to come home this time, and that’s a tragedy.”
New Orleans police found Price’s bullet-riddled body shortly before 1 a.m. in the 6100 block of North Roman Street. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Detectives are working to identify suspects and a possible motive, said NOPD spokesman Tyler Gamble. Per company policy, Price had no more than $20 on him when he left for the delivery, Tedesco said. He had not completed the delivery when he was killed, Tedesco said, adding that the delivery destination was not far from where he was found.
“He was close to where he needed to be,” Tedesco said.
Private counseling was being scheduled for colleagues at Price’s store, 1120 Franklin Ave., which remained open Tuesday. Half of all proceeds from sales made at the store, through Sunday night, will be donated to the family, Tedesco said.
“We will walk (his family) through this process, as difficult as it is,” Tedesco said.
“We’ll be the support system, not just today and tomorrow.”
The company has also offered a $7,500 reward for any information leading to an arrest and conviction in Price’s murder.
“There’s a killer on the loose,” RPM Pizza CEO Glenn Mueller said by phone Tuesday morning. “We’re talked to the police chief and the mayor. We’re upset.
We’re aggressively working to find the person or persons responsible.”
Price’s killing comes six months after another Domino’s delivery driver, Richard “Chris” Yeager, was gunned down after making a delivery in Mid-City. Authorities have accused two teenagers, Shane Hughes and Rendell Brown, of Yeager’s murder.
Domino’s drivers undergo upwards of 16 hours of safety training before making deliveries on their own, Tedesco said, and the company advertises its policy of drivers not carrying more than $20.
“We harp like crazy,” Tedesco said of the company’s safety policies. “New Orleans is New Orleans. We love it, but we understand where we live.”
“…. but we understand where we live.”
Yes, the white people of New Orleans understand where they live: surrounded by the racial brothers of Haiti who have helped turn the island nation into the charity capital of the world.
Whites living in the French Quarter are asked to pay more taxes to support the salaries of state patrolmen to keep the historic epicenter of New Orleans safe to tourists, all because the black population engages in the type of “senseless” crime that has now made Michael Price’s bride a widow.
And his three young children are now deprived of their father.
Domino’s drivers undergo more than 16 hours of safety training before they are sent out into the wild of New Orleans, where the black population has virtually made miles upon miles of the city uninhabitable to citizens, no-go areas to tourists, and inhospitable to business investment.
What does this “two-days of safety training” say about the world individual black people have collectively created in New Orleans?
Price’s body was found “riddled with bullets” in perhaps the most unforgiven real estate a white person can enter in all of America; and he was there to do his job, delivering pizza so his family (his children are 8, 6, and 2) could be supported.
Abraham said, “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?”
He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.”
Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”
He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” – Genesis 18: 31-32