Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2015

If you’re like me, you are literally getting the shakes from having having gone four months without the Walking Dead.
The show’s spin-off, “Fear the Walking Dead” will begin in late August, but we have to wait until October 11th to see Rick and the gang.
Thankfully, the studio has released these stills from season six to whet our appetites!
Here we see Rick, back in uniform as we saw him last season, after he became sheriff of Alexandria, defending an open gate from a horde of walkers – with nothing but a stick!
Here’s another shot of a breech in the gate, as Rick and his companions try to get it closed before they get overrun.
It looks like the stick will be a weapon Rick is forced to use a lot – have the survivors run out of ammo?
Here rick gets up close and personal with a walker, with nothing but his trusty stick.
Good thing Rick has so much experience killing walkers – I wouldn’t want to take that thing on without a gun!
It looks like some of Rick’s officers from Alexandria have gotten a bit out of shape living in their safe-zone while the gang has been forced to deal with the harsh reality of a zombie apocalypse.
I don’t think this officer is going to be making it to season seven!
At one point, it looks like the gate comes down completely, and the gang is forced to take on an entire herd of walkers face-to-face!
Here’s an intense shot of Rick trying to save someone from a walker attack (probably one of the fat companions), again with his trusty stick.
We are getting clues here that much of season six will focus on a convoy of trucks, probably moving supplies into the safe-zone, which Rick has to secure – but what will Rick do when his convoy of supply trucks gets filled up with walkers???
I keep expecting this show to go downhill, like most shows tend to do eventually, but so far every season has been better than the last – and if these promo pics are any indication, season six is going to be no exception!
The Walking Dead season six 90 minute premiere airs on AMC on October 11th.