Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2015

Good news: more evidence that some (or perhaps many) in ostensibly moderate right-wing parties in Europe are just waiting for the chance to pounce on these Christ-killers.
The Anti-Defamation League has called upon the new Polish Defense Minister to apologize and retract 2002 comments about the anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
On Monday, the ADL charged Polish Defense Minister-designate, Antoni Macierewicz, with making an offensive anti-Semitic response to a caller during a broadcast on Radio Maryja, a notoriously anti-Semitic radio network.
The caller asked what Macierewicz thought about the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a document circulated by the Tsarist secret police to promote the belief that there is an international Jewish conspiracy to control the world.
Macierewicz responded that he had read the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and found it interesting. He acknowledged that there’s a debate about the theory’s authenticity, but said: “Experience shows that there are such groups in Jewish circles.”
Hey Jews, instead of attacking him for this, why don’t you come out and prove how wrong he is, and how you haven’t done exactly all of the things the Protocols said you would do?
That would be a lot more effective than simply forcing a guy to apologize for saying it.
Why don’t you just do that then, Jews? Offer proof that none of the predictions were correct? Should be easy since the document is totally fake, has no connection whatsoever to reality and is only believe in by wacky conspiracy theorists.
Right Jews?
Macierewicz’s comments during the Radio Maryja broadcast are also criticized in the 2010 book – “The Populist Radical Right in Poland” – by sociologist, Rafal Pankowski, a professor at Collegium Civitas, a private college in Warsaw.
“While that statement (by Macierewicz) was made many years ago, it indicates profound and virulent anti-Semitism,” ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt wrote to the incoming Polish Prime Minister, Beata Szydlo of the newly elected Law and Justice party. “We trust that you would not allow anyone of such convictions to be a member of your government.”
Yes. Because no government in the world can exist without Jewish approval. And you Jews can simply continue pushing this indefinitely, while controlling all of our resources and abusing us on a mass scale.
There is surely no way you can overplay your hand. After all, you’re Jews.
Just keep pressing on everyone, coming at them over the slightest offense. It will all work out, I’m sure.
Nothing bad can come of it.