New Poll: 80% of Republicans Believe Trump will be the Nominee

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016


Super Tuesday is coming.

And we have a new poll.

Rasmussen Reports:

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly Trump Change national survey finds that 81% of Likely Republican Voters now believe the billionaire businessman will win the GOP nomination, with 45% who say it is Very Likely. Both are the highest findings to date. A week ago, heading into the South Carolina primary and Nevada caucus, 71% of GOP voters expected a Trump win, with 36% who saw it as Very Likely.

Just 15% now think Trump is unlikely to be nominated. That’s down from 24% last week and includes only six percent (6%) who say it’s Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Among all likely voters, 70% feel Trump is the likely Republican nominee, with 37% who consider it Very Likely. This compares to 58% and 25% a week ago and are also the highest findings to date.

The survey was conducted the two nights prior to last night’s Republican primary debate in Houston. We’ll find out next week if the full-throttled attacks on Trump by Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz at that debate have dented voter expectations.

When Trump announced his candidacy in mid-June of last year, just 27% of Republicans – and 23% of all voters – said he was likely to end up as the 2016 GOP nominee.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on February 23-24, 2016 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

With Jeb Bush out of the race, Trump has widened his lead on Rasmussen Reports’ most recent Republican primary ballot survey.

Men are still more confident of a Trump nomination than women are, but most voters in both groups consider it likely.

While 77% of whites and 60% of other minority voters think a Trump nomination is likely, just 47% of blacks agree.

The Republican establishment, terrified of a Trump victory, still hopes to coalesce the anti-Trump vote around one candidate, so look for increasing pressure on Ohio Governor John Kasich in particular to drop out of the race in hopes that his voters will go to Rubio.

And here’s the thing: no one likes a loser. And everyone likes a winner.

This sense of inevitability is going to be very good for the vote on Tuesday, because it is a psychological/sociological fact that people will naturally rally around the strongest man.

Donald Trump, chairman and president of the Trump Organization, discusses Building the Trump Brand, in a National Press Club luncheon speech May 27, 2014 in Washington, DC.. Photo By Olivier Douliery/ABACAUSA.COM

Always the strongest guy in the room.

And neither the sweaty robot Cuban nor the lying breadfaced Cuban are particularly strong, in any sense at all.

As always, I don’t like to get people’s hopes up to high, but right now I’m having a hard time not doing exactly that.

I think we’re going to win Texas. I think we’re going to win every state. And I think we’re going to win by a lot.

On Tuesday

If you work at night on Tuesday, call off. We’re going to have the greatest live coverage yet.

If you don’t have your MAGA hat, get it rushed.

Put on the hat, turn on the TV or the live stream, and get on the Daily Stormer.

You’ll remember it for the rest of your life. You’ll tell your blue-eyed grandchildren about it.

The day the Yiddish music died.

trump 2016

We will make America great again and then, when it is done and everything is brofists and high-fives, then you have my permission to be gassed and turned into a lampshade.