Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 26, 2015

The cuckold fetishists running the GOP said that Trump would go down after his accurate comments on John McCain’s war record.
Once again, they were wrong.
A new YouGov poll, done after the comments on McCain, still has The Donald in first place, with 28%.
The cuck Jeb Bush has 14%.
What is shocking is that Trump’s support base is not larger.
Granted, 10% chose him as their second choice, so I guess they can be considered supporters on some level, bringing his support up to 38%. But that still leaves 62% of the GOP not endorsing Trump.

Who are these Republicans that are against him?
Do they want to see America destroyed? Do they get off on it, like the Democrats?
Or are they so stupid that they believe the rat Jew media which says that a career politician, who has accomplished literally nothing of substance in his entire life, can run a country better than a man who made billions of dollars in successful business ventures?
I honestly don’t know, but it is certainly difficult to comprehend that when offered the opportunity to deport Mexicans and renegotiate trade deals, Republicans would rather lose to Hillary by supporting a cuck with zero character (all non-Trump candidates).
If the White conservative base of America truly wants to see the nation destroyed completely, then this is their chance. Divine providence has given them the chance, with The Donald, to change the nation’s direction, but they are not going to get another chance.

It’s now or never.