Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 28, 2015
Just when you thought racism had finally ended in current year because all of these recent racist events have been proved to be media hoaxes, your faith in mankind once again dissolves when you meet Slammed Desk Girl, an innocent Negress who got her desk slammed by a White racist psychopath.
The attorney for a teen who was flipped backward out of her desk and tossed across a classroom says his client did suffer several injuries during her arrest.
Columbia attorney Todd Rutherford told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Wednesday that Richland County Senior Deputy Ben Fields should have been fired as soon as Sheriff Leon Lott saw the video recorded by several students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia.
“She now has a cast on her arm, she has neck and back injuries. She has a Band-Aid on her forehead where she suffered rug burn on her forehead,” Rutherford told the network.
Lott had said Tuesday that the girl was uninjured in the confrontation but “may have had a rug burn.”Lott could decide as early as Wednesday whether to fire Fields.
The videos of the confrontation between the white deputy and black girl stirred such outrage that Lott called the FBI and Justice Department for help. A criminal investigation was underway, but the probe generally takes more time.
Videos taken by students and posted online show Fields warning the girl to leave her seat or be forcibly removed Monday after she apparently texted in class and refused to surrender her phone to the teacher. When she doesn’t get up from her desk, the officer wraps a forearm around her neck, flips her and the desk backward onto the floor, tosses her toward the front of the classroom and handcuffs her.
What was he supposed to do?
I mean, the logical thing would have been to pull a gun on her, but no doubt the Jew media would be complaining about that as well.

You can’t have rules at a school and then do nothing when people break them. These Black schools are like zoos, we’ve all seen the footage.

I personally went to a Black school for half a year. All these Blacks carry guns in class, they have huge bags of crack, they’re smoking pot in the hallway – the White people who are complaining about this video are naive on a level you can’t imagine.
The sheriff suspended Fields without pay Monday. Lott, who rushed home from an out of town conference when the news broke, said that a teacher and vice principal in the classroom at the time felt the officer acted appropriately.
Yes, exactly.
And the teacher was Black, as you can see in the video.
Black people know the girl had it coming. It is Whites who play into this idiot narrative of “that cop hates Black people or else he would have done some other thing, whatever it might have been.”
Lott said the initial video made him want to “throw up.” But he also pointed out that the girl can be seen trying to strike the officer as she was being taken down. He said he’s focused on the deputy’s actions, not the student’s.
Email, phone and text messages for Fields were not returned.
More than a dozen parents and community members spoke out at a Tuesday night meeting of the Richland 2 School District. Some, black and white alike, said the issue wasn’t based on race, and, while the officer may have used unnecessary force, the whole incident shows that teachers and administrators need to work harder on finding ways to handle defiant students.
Craig Conwell was angry, imploring board members to take action and saying Fields should have been fired immediately.
“If that was my daughter … that officer being fired would be the least of his worries,” Conwell said. “We are sick and tired of black women being abused. You can say it’s not racist all you want to.”
“Least of his worries…”?
Yes, that’s a threat of murder or some other form of violence.
The deputy also arrested a second girl who verbally objected to his actions. Both girls were charged with disturbing schools and released to their parents. Their names were not officially released.
The second student, Niya Kenny, told WLTX-TV that she felt she had to say something. Doris Kenny said she’s proud her daughter was “brave enough to speak out against what was going on.”
Lt. Curtis Wilson told The Associated Press in an email to “keep in mind this is not a race issue.”
“Race is indeed a factor,” countered South Carolina’s NAACP president, Lonnie Randolph Jr., who praised the Justice Department for agreeing to investigate.
“To be thrown out of her seat as she was thrown, and dumped on the floor … I don’t ever recall a female student who is not of color (being treated this way). It doesn’t affect white students,” Randolph said.
Occam’s Razor says that it’s because White students don’t act like this. I have never seen a White directly disobeying a police officer like this (unless it is in a situation of drunkenness, I suppose).
The sheriff, for his part, said race won’t factor into his evaluation: “It really doesn’t matter to me whether that child had been purple,” Lott said.
Tony Robinson Jr., who recorded the final moments, said it all began when the teacher asked the girl to hand over her phone during class. She refused, so he called an administrator, who summoned the officer.
Lott said there have been school resource officers in the county ever since he has been sheriff for the last 19 years. He said the deputies have to receive more training and certification.
Yeah. The fact that the high school has police officers in the building at all times should really tell you a lot.
The National Association of School Resource Officers recommends that schools and police agree to prohibit officers “from becoming involved in formal school discipline situations that are the responsibility of school administrators.”
As if there was no reason for it in the first place. Like the cops arresting Black criminals – there was no reason for it, now we’ve stopped it, and crime has skyrocketed across the country.
When are we going to have an honest conversation about race?