New Reich Rising: Poll Reveals Austrian People Ready for Mass Exterminations

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
June 18, 2018

Well, well, well.

Looks like the tables have turned.

Feeling very smug and vindicated tbh.


The Austrian government’s push against “political Islam” has drawn popular support, a recent poll shows. While more than 60 percent approve of the measures, 14 percent of the respondents say they were “too soft.”

A survey conducted by Unique Research for Profile Magazine revealed that 66 percent of Austrians believe the government’s decision to shut down seven mosques and to consider the expulsion of dozens of imams was right.

The number of those who say the approach is “too soft” is higher than those who believe it is “too harsh” – 14 percent to 10 percent. Ten percent of the respondents were undecided.

The results were published by the magazine on Saturday and the poll was carried out from June 11 to 15.

Over a week ago, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced that seven mosques will be closed as a measure to confront “political Islam.” Authorities also reviewed the potential expulsion of dozens of Imams for breaking a law that prohibits them from receiving foreign funding.

That ten percent though. For them, deportations are not enough. Revenge is in order. I like that attitude.

Because, honestly, if I was surveyed, I would actually vote for not deporting the Moslems in Austria.

I would want to keep them around so that they could more easily be rounded up and pushed and thrown into gladiator pits. There, augmented feminist lesbo-dyke cyborg warriors will battle the Moslems to the death.

It will be a fitting end for the Moslems…and the dykes.

Two birds with one stone.


I’m trying to get into the World Cup hype…and I just can’t.

Like, I like Russia, and it’s cool and all that they’ve got it going on there, but honestly, I just don’t really care about soccer.

I’ve never been into team sports.

One of the things that made me like Nietzsche was that he like individualist sports like amateur boxing, high-stakes fencing, extreme mountaineering and competitive whoring.

And nowadays you’ve got MMA I guess.

But that shit devolves into boring grappling very quick. I’ve tried to get into that, but nah, it never took.

I feel like I would really get into gladiator-type executions of Moslems though…and gladiator type games in general.

We allow all sorts of degeneracy in our society, all sorts of stuff that isn’t really in keeping with the Christian morality that our society kept for a long time.

But we don’t do any of the fun “immoral” stuff. Which makes society boring and the whole damn thing a fucking grind.

Politics is our bloodsport now. But our politics should be to bring back bloodsports.

Because we’ve gotten too tame. Only ten percent supporting more serious measures??

That’s not enough. We need whole baying coliseum crowds of people hungry for blood, with Moslems, LGBTQ activists and politicians constantly being thrown in the pit for our consumption pleasure.