New Report Covers-Up Real Reason for Death of Beautiful White Schoolgirl Christina Edkins

Daily Stormer
October 21, 2014

Schoolgirl Christina Edkins was enriched to death while on her way home on a bus that she was forced to share with other hostile races.

A new report into the death by Black of White schoolgirl Christina Edkins says she would still be alive today if the authorities had done their jobs properly.

However, the report fails to point out the obvious fact that thousands upon thousands of other dead White people would still be alive today if the authorities had not imported Black savages into the country and then forced White people to share their living space with them.

Instead, it blames the NHS for not adequately meeting the needs of her brutal killer.  They even have the cheek to say that the attack was ‘random and unprovoked and therefore it could not have been predicted.’

The attack was not random, at least 2 White people a week in Britain are murdered by Blacks, and this is happening exactly as it was predicted to by Enoch Powell in his ‘Rivers of blood’ speech, back when this hostile species were first being imported by the Jew overlords.

An Anglo Aryan Princess: She was killed by a ZOG policy of importing third world savages into the country.
An Anglo Aryan Princess: She was killed by a ZOG policy of importing third world savages into the country.

The way to prevent any more tragedies like this happening is not to bend over backwards even more for these creatures, but to prevent them from ever setting foot in Britain and returning every single one of them that is already here.

Birmingham Mail:

An inquiry into the tragic 16-year-old’s random killing has revealed a catalogue of failures by the authorities.Christina, from Ladywood, was fatally stabbed in the chest on the No 9 bus as she travelled to Leasowes High School in Halesowen in March 2013.

The teenager was the victim of a random knife attack launched by paranoid schizophrenic Phillip Simelane as the bus travelled along Hagley Road.

The homicide review into Christina’s death was conducted by the NHS Commissioning Support Unit and made 51 recommendations.

The most damning verdict was that the killing could have been prevented if the mental health needs of her disturbed killer had been met.

The probe found there had been a string of failures dating back 12 years and made recommendations for changes to practices at seven local agencies and six national bodies.

The report said there had been 17 mental health reviews or formal assessments undertaken by four different organisations, between April 2009 and December 2012 into the killer.

None of these assessments resulted in Simelane being detained under the Mental Health Act.

The report found that organisations failed to listen to and respond to carers and significant others consistently and adequately.

It also found that accessing and sharing of information between key agencies was ineffective and that information recording and storage were not robust enough to allow good management and care.

Chair of the investigation panel, Dr Alison Reed said: “It is clear that there were missed opportunities, particularly for organisations and professionals to work together more closely in heeding the repeated attempts by Phillip’s mother to secure help for her son.

The attack on Christina was random and unprovoked and therefore it could not have been predicted.

Phillip Simelane gets arrested for the murder.

“However, it is the conclusion of the panel that as Christina’s death was directly related to Phillip’s mental illness, it could have been prevented if his mental health needs had been identified and met. We sincerely hope that our recommendations will help to reduce such risk in future.”

Simelane was arrested hours after the attack on Christina on the morning of March 7, 2013.

The 25-year-old later pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act.

Birmingham Crown Court heard he had a history of mental illness dating back almost a decade when he attempted to take his own life as a teenager.

Born in Swaziland, southern Africa, he had arrived in the UK at the age of nine and lived in Walsall with his siblings and mother.

His mother had called in police 21 times since he was 14 after a string of violent confrontations at the family home.

They included knife threats to his mother, a violent attack on a young sibling, attempts to set his bedroom alight and an attack that saw an electric fire thrown at his mother’s head.

It also emerged after sentencing that he was the subject of warning ‘markers’ on the Police National Computer about weapons, violence, self-harm and suicide.

Simelane began suffering mental health issues as a schoolboy and was known to mental health professionals in the West Midlands having served three prison sentences in 2012.

He threatened his mother in May 2012 with a knife, just months before he stabbed Christina.

As well as assaulting her, he had also held a knife to her stomach and punched a police officer in the face who had responded to the emergency call.

Before Christina was killed, Simelane spent two spells inside Hewell, near Redditch, and at Birmingham Prison in Winson Green.

He had been released from custody three months before the killing but was under no supervision or reporting orders.

I agree that it wasn’t his fault – expecting Blacks to act like humans is like expecting any other wild animal to act like a human.

It isn’t the fault of the Jews who brought him to the UK to kill people.

It isn’t the fault of the White women who did as the Jews demanded and lobbied for defense of the rights of subhumans.

This is the fault of White Men who refuse to stand up and stop it.

How much more of this are we going to take?