New Rules: It’s Illegal Racism Not to Rent to People with a Criminal Record

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2016


Nigga ah be botta move all up in dis muffugguh, u aint eben no.

This is fun.

The Obama administration has just announced that it is illegal under racial discrimination laws to not rent to people who have a criminal record.

Obviously, this is an open admission that Black=criminal, which you would think might be offensive to Blacks. Of course it isn’t.

Boston Globe:

Most Americans would look at you and likely see a prudent, levelheaded property owner. Not the Obama administration. The Department of Housing and Urban Development warned last week that landlords who refuse to rent to anyone with a criminal record are in violation of the Fair Housing Act and can be prosecuted and fined for racial discrimination.

In a 10-page “guidance” issued on April 4, the federal agency announced that any landlord with a blanket policy of not renting to people with a criminal conviction is effectively discriminating on the basis of race or national origin. “Because of widespread racial and ethnic disparities in the US criminal justice system,” HUD’s new guidelines read, “criminal history-based restrictions on access to housing are likely disproportionately to burden African-Americans and Hispanics. . . . [T]herefore such a practice would violate the Fair Housing Act.”

Despite the nastiness and all the trouble this could potentially cause landlords, it is very, very funny.