New Study: White Crime Rate Data Being Inflated by Miscategorizing Spanish-Speaking Indians as “White”

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2016

Some Bad White Hombres

Some Bad White Hombres

So it appears that the Judeo-Left is right about institutional racism in our justice system – they’re just wrong about who its victims are. The massive discrepancy between white and black violent crime rates has led to an ideological crisis as stark as the Stalinesque Martin Luther King statue in Washington DC. They’re trying to resolve this by classifying certain Mulattoes and Mesoamericans who speak Spanish as “white,” but even then it’s not all that effective.


Sammy Sosa Before and After Getting Arrested

A recent study done by an pro-system think-tank, “The Urban Institute,” shows that the states with the largest population of “ha-Latinos” or “Latinx” classify their Mexican criminals as “white.” This is then passed off to Federal statisticians, and in the case of states like California where the Mexican population is especially feral, this undoubtedly inflates the national white crime rate.

Urban Institute:

Few states include Latinos in most criminal justice data

We tracked all race and ethnicity information we could find through publicly and readily accessible online sources for each state and Washington, DC, across five categories: prison population, prison population by offense, arrests, probation population, and parole population.

Only one state—Alaska—consistently included data on Latinos in regularly and recently released reports on arrests and prison, probation, and parole populations. Although it is possible that more states collected these data routinely, we only considered data that states made publicly accessible. Seventy-five percent of states regularly and recently reported data by ethnicity on at least one of our five measures, but only 39 percent did so for two or more measures.

States collect criminal justice data through several agencies, and these agencies may not coordinate their efforts. To ensure that Latinos are accurately counted across the criminal justice system, states must make sure all relevant agencies—including law enforcement, the department of corrections, and the parole board—collect the same ethnicity data. If states do not collect accurate and complete data across all agencies, it is impossible to assess how the system affects Latinos.

And here are some of the worst offenders:

States with large Latino populations do not necessarily have better data

Seventy-five percent of Latinos in the United States live in just 10 states. Many of these states have significant gaps in reported ethnicity data despite their large Latino populations. California, Florida, and New Mexico, for example, all reported ethnicity data in fewer categories than the average state.

Data reporting in these states is especially important because states with more Latino residents are likely to have more Latinos in their criminal justice systems. The effects of criminal justice policies on Latinos can go unseen by the public and policymakers in states where agencies do not report ethnicity data.

There is no way a state like California would be party to this “ethnic oversight” unless it is for anti-white political reasons , the goal is to criminalize whites as a class, even if you have to move mountains to make it happen. Would someone like George Zimmerman be classified as “white” if instead of gunning down an unarmed black newborn (the Jews’ narrative) he had won a Nobel Prize?

It’s not a rhetorical question. They never make this “mistake” when the person in question does something prestigious, in fact, they do the photo negative. Looking at this list of “Hispanic/Latino Nobel Prize Winners,” you see nothing but white people from Spain, Argentina and even a white man from Guatemala.

The white is always bad, the “Other” is always good – whether this lines up with reality or not.