New Video of Boba Fett Taking Down Lando Calrissian Sparks Nograge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 21, 2017

Do you goofballs even get how funny this joke is?

It isn’t just the name.

In Episode II: Attack of the Clones, it was revealed that Boba Fett is this guy (technically a clone of this guy):

Who looks exactly like the White Supremacist assassin Jeronimo Yanez (who it has been revealed posts on the DS forums as “CulturalCommissar”).

This is more than just a funny coincidence.

It’s meme magic.

Look for more things from Star Wars to come to life in the near future.

Anyway, yeah – new video.

It isn’t really anything different than what we were told happened. They were talking about a taillight and Lando told him he had a gun and started reaching for it, Fett told him not to and he kept doing it.

But Fett did flip out. Seven shots at that range is hardcore.

But I mean, he says “don’t reach for it… don’t pull it out…” as he’s drawing his own gun. If I were Lando, I would have stopped reaching for my gun, put my hands on the steering wheel, and waited for the officer to ask me to step out of the car.

Instead Lando said “I’m not!”

His gf alleges he was reaching for his ID. Which I mean – I guess?

He didn’t have any drugs in the car, or any other reason to try to shoot the cop (except for the obvious reason that he is black).

So, bad situation. Basically, this black guy died because he was stupid. And insolent.

Imagine a cop telling you not to reach for a gun and then continue reaching for something and replying “I’m not!”

I can see how people are saying this was an unnecessary death, Fett acted too soon, etc. But it really doesn’t matter. What matters is he was told not to reach for something and he kept reaching for it.

Fett should have said “put your hands on the steering wheel” instead of “don’t reach for it” – the latter apparently indicating to the black that he was allowed to reach for something other than his gun.

Lando had been pulled over by the cops 49 times.


I’ve been pulled over by cops for speeding or making a wrong turn or whatever probably 4 times, and I know that you’re supposed to keep your hands on the steering wheel until asked to do otherwise.

Everyone knows this.